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Uses of Class org.jboss.services.binding.ServiceConfig (Various API) - JBoss 3.2.7 varia API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use ServiceConfig

Uses of ServiceConfig in org.jboss.services.binding

Methods in org.jboss.services.binding that return ServiceConfig
 ServiceConfig ServiceBindingManagerMBean.getServiceConfig(javax.management.ObjectName serviceName)
          Looks up the service config for the given service using the server name bound to this mbean.
 ServiceConfig XMLServicesStore.getService(String serverName, javax.management.ObjectName serviceName)
          Looks up a service, by server name and service name.
 ServiceConfig ServicesStore.getService(String serverName, javax.management.ObjectName serviceName)
          Obtain a ServiceConfig object for the given server instance and target service JMX ObjectName.
 ServiceConfig ServiceBindingManager.getServiceConfig(javax.management.ObjectName serviceName)
          Looks up the service config for the given service using the server name bound to this mbean.

Methods in org.jboss.services.binding with parameters of type ServiceConfig
 void XSLTFileDelegate.applyConfig(ServiceConfig config, javax.management.MBeanServer server)
          Transform the file specified in the given config, transform it, temporarily save the result and apply it onto the service specified in the config using JMX via the given server.
 void XSLTConfigDelegate.applyConfig(ServiceConfig config, javax.management.MBeanServer server)
          Take the given config and map it onto the service specified in the config using JMX via the given server.
 void XMLServicesStore.addService(String serverName, javax.management.ObjectName serviceName, ServiceConfig config)
          This method is not usable in this implementation as XMLServiceStore is read-only
 void ServicesStore.addService(String serverName, javax.management.ObjectName serviceName, ServiceConfig serviceConfig)
          Add a ServiceConfig to the store.
 void ServicesConfigDelegate.applyConfig(ServiceConfig config, javax.management.MBeanServer server)
          Take the given config and map it onto the service specified in the config using JMX via the given server.
 void AttributeMappingDelegate.applyConfig(ServiceConfig config, javax.management.MBeanServer server)
          Take the given config and map it onto the service specified in the config using JMX via the given server.

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