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org.jboss.jmx.adaptor.snmp.agent (Various API) - JBoss 3.2.7 varia API Documentation 英文版文档

Package org.jboss.jmx.adaptor.snmp.agent

Interface Summary
DynamicContentAccessor DynamicContentAccessor or DCA for short allows the introduction of dynamic content in the notification wrappers.
EventTypes Constant types for notifications
NotificationWrapper NotificationWrapper is a "wide" read only interface providing "unstructured" access to agent internals and paylod carried by notifications.
RequestHandler Interface that must be implemented by classes that provide agent get/set functionality
SnmpAgentServiceMBean MBean interface.
TrapFactory TrapFactory takes care of translation of Notifications into SNMP V1 and V2 traps Trap-PDU ::= [4] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { enterprise -- type of object generating -- trap, see sysObjectID in [5] OBJECT IDENTIFIER, agent-addr -- address of object generating NetworkAddress, -- trap generic-trap -- generic trap type INTEGER { coldStart(0), warmStart(1), linkDown(2), linkUp(3), authenticationFailure(4), egpNeighborLoss(5), enterpriseSpecific(6) }, specific-trap -- specific code, present even INTEGER, -- if generic-trap is not -- enterpriseSpecific time-stamp -- time elapsed between the last TimeTicks, -- (re)initialization of the network -- entity and the generation of the trap variable-bindings -- "interesting" information VarBindList }

Class Summary
Clock Utility class that provides time keeping from the time of instantiation.
Counter Simple, thread safe counter implementattion with accessor methods.
Heartbeat Heartbeat auxiliary class implementing agent heartbeat schedulling and emission setup
NotificationWrapperSupport NotificationWrapperSupport provides a base NotificationWrapper implementation
RequestHandlerSupport Implement RequestHandler with simple tracing of incoming requests.
SnmpAgentService SnmpAgentService is an MBean class implementing an SNMP agent.
SnmpVarBindFactory SnmpVarBindFactory implements the infrastructure required to generate SNMP variable bindings from generic Object instances.
TrapEmitter TrapEmitter is a class that manages SNMP trap emission.
TrapFactorySupport TrapFactorySupport takes care of translation of Notifications into SNMP V1 and V2 traps Data Structure Guide It looks complicated but it ain't.

Exception Summary
MappingFailedException MappingFailedException is used to report generic errors encountered during the translation from notifications to traps.

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