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Uses of Class org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException (JBoss System API) - JBoss 3.2.7 system API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use DeploymentException
org.jboss.deployment Core deployment framework and services. 
org.jboss.deployment.cache Deployment caching components. 
org.jboss.system Core system framework and components. 

Uses of DeploymentException in org.jboss.deployment

Subclasses of DeploymentException in org.jboss.deployment
 class IncompleteDeploymentException
          IncompleteDeploymentException.java Created: Mon Jun 24 08:20:16 2002

Methods in org.jboss.deployment that throw DeploymentException
 void SubDeployerMBean.init(DeploymentInfo sdi)
          The init method lets the deployer set a few properties of the DeploymentInfo, such as the watch url.
 void SubDeployerMBean.create(DeploymentInfo sdi)
          Set up the components of the deployment that do not refer to other components
 void SubDeployerMBean.start(DeploymentInfo sdi)
          The start method sets up relationships with other components.
 void SubDeployerMBean.stop(DeploymentInfo sdi)
          The stop method removes relationships between components.
 void SubDeployerMBean.destroy(DeploymentInfo sdi)
          The destroy method removes individual components
 void DeployerMBean.deploy(URL url)
          Deploys a package identified by a URL
 void DeployerMBean.undeploy(URL url)
          Undeploys a package identified by a URL
 void SARDeployerMBean.init(DeploymentInfo di)
          The init method parses the jboss-service.xml descriptor for the service.
 void SARDeployerMBean.create(DeploymentInfo di)
          The create method creates the MBeans associated with the deployment.
 void SARDeployerMBean.start(DeploymentInfo di)
          The start method starts all the mbeans in this DeploymentInfo..
 void MainDeployerMBean.redeploy(String urlspec)
          Describe redeploy method here.
 void MainDeployerMBean.redeploy(URL url)
          Describe redeploy method here.
 void MainDeployerMBean.redeploy(DeploymentInfo sdi)
          Describe redeploy method here.
 void MainDeployerMBean.undeploy(URL url)
          The undeploy method undeploys a package identified by a URL
 void MainDeployerMBean.undeploy(String urlspec)
          The undeploy method undeploys a package identified by a string representation of a URL.
 void MainDeployerMBean.deploy(String urlspec)
          The deploy method deploys a package identified by a string representation of a URL.
 void MainDeployerMBean.deploy(URL url)
          The deploy method deploys a package identified by a URL
 void MainDeployerMBean.deploy(DeploymentInfo deployment)
          The deploy method deploys a package represented by a DeploymentInfo object.
 void MainDeployerMBean.checkIncompleteDeployments()
          Check the current deployment states and generate a IncompleteDeploymentException if there are mbeans waiting for depedencies.
 void XSLSubDeployerMBean.init(DeploymentInfo di)
 void XSLSubDeployerMBean.create(DeploymentInfo di)
 void XSLSubDeployerMBean.start(DeploymentInfo di)
 void XSLSubDeployerMBean.stop(DeploymentInfo di)
 void XSLSubDeployerMBean.destroy(DeploymentInfo di)
 void XSLSubDeployer.init(DeploymentInfo di)
 void XSLSubDeployer.create(DeploymentInfo di)
 void XSLSubDeployer.start(DeploymentInfo di)
 void XSLSubDeployer.stop(DeploymentInfo di)
 void XSLSubDeployer.destroy(DeploymentInfo di)
protected  void XSLSubDeployer.findDd(DeploymentInfo di)
 void SubDeployerSupport.init(DeploymentInfo di)
          Sub-classes should override this method to provide custom 'init' logic.
 void SubDeployerSupport.create(DeploymentInfo di)
          Sub-classes should override this method to provide custom 'create' logic.
 void SubDeployerSupport.start(DeploymentInfo di)
          Sub-classes should override this method to provide custom 'start' logic.
 void SubDeployerSupport.stop(DeploymentInfo di)
          Sub-classes should override this method to provide custom 'stop' logic.
 void SubDeployerSupport.destroy(DeploymentInfo di)
          Sub-classes should override this method to provide custom 'destroy' logic.
protected  void SubDeployerSupport.processNestedDeployments(DeploymentInfo di)
          The processNestedDeployments method searches for any nested and deployable elements.
protected  void SubDeployerSupport.addDeployableFiles(DeploymentInfo di, File dir)
          This method recursively searches the directory structure for any files that are deployable (@see isDeployable).
protected  void SubDeployerSupport.addDeployableJar(DeploymentInfo di, JarFile jarFile)
          This method searches the entire jar file for any deployable files (@see isDeployable).
protected  void SubDeployerSupport.deployUrl(DeploymentInfo di, URL url, String name)
 void SubDeployer.init(DeploymentInfo sdi)
          The init method lets the deployer set a few properties of the DeploymentInfo, such as the watch url.
 void SubDeployer.create(DeploymentInfo sdi)
          Set up the components of the deployment that do not refer to other components
 void SubDeployer.start(DeploymentInfo sdi)
          The start method sets up relationships with other components.
 void SubDeployer.stop(DeploymentInfo sdi)
          The stop method removes relationships between components.
 void SubDeployer.destroy(DeploymentInfo sdi)
          The destroy method removes individual components
 void SARDeployer.init(DeploymentInfo di)
          The init method parses the jboss-service.xml descriptor for the service.
 void SARDeployer.create(DeploymentInfo di)
          The create method creates the MBeans associated with the deployment.
 void SARDeployer.start(DeploymentInfo di)
          The start method starts all the mbeans in this DeploymentInfo..
protected  void SARDeployer.inflateJar(URL url, File destDir, String path)
          The inflateJar copies the jar entries from the jar url jarUrl to the directory destDir.
protected static Element NetBootHelper.getUniqueChild(Element element, String tagName)
          from org.jboss.metadata.MetaData which is not in the System module (which is understandable)
 void MainDeployer.redeploy(String urlspec)
          Describe redeploy method here.
 void MainDeployer.redeploy(URL url)
          Describe redeploy method here.
 void MainDeployer.redeploy(DeploymentInfo sdi)
          Describe redeploy method here.
 void MainDeployer.undeploy(URL url)
          The undeploy method undeploys a package identified by a URL
 void MainDeployer.undeploy(String urlspec)
          The undeploy method undeploys a package identified by a string representation of a URL.
 void MainDeployer.deploy(String urlspec)
          The deploy method deploys a package identified by a string representation of a URL.
 void MainDeployer.deploy(URL url)
          The deploy method deploys a package identified by a URL
 void MainDeployer.deploy(DeploymentInfo deployment)
          The deploy method deploys a package represented by a DeploymentInfo object.
 void MainDeployer.checkIncompleteDeployments()
          Check the current deployment states and generate a IncompleteDeploymentException if there are mbeans waiting for depedencies.
static void DeploymentException.rethrowAsDeploymentException(String message, Throwable t)
          Rethrow a throwable as a deployment exception if it isn't already.
 void Deployer.deploy(URL url)
          Deploys a package identified by a URL
 void Deployer.undeploy(URL url)
          Undeploys a package identified by a URL

Constructors in org.jboss.deployment that throw DeploymentException
DeploymentInfo(URL url, DeploymentInfo parent, javax.management.MBeanServer server)

Uses of DeploymentException in org.jboss.deployment.cache

Methods in org.jboss.deployment.cache that throw DeploymentException
 void DeploymentCacheMBean.deploy(URL url)
 void DeploymentCacheMBean.undeploy(URL url)
 void DeploymentCache.deploy(URL url)
 void DeploymentCache.undeploy(URL url)

Uses of DeploymentException in org.jboss.system

Methods in org.jboss.system that throw DeploymentException
 List ServiceControllerMBean.install(Element config, javax.management.ObjectName loaderName)
          Deploy the beans Deploy means "instantiate and configure" so the MBean is created in the MBeanServer You must call "create" and "start" separately on the MBean to affect the service lifecycle deploy doesn't bother with service lifecycle only MBean instanciation/registration/configuration
 List ServiceController.install(Element config, javax.management.ObjectName loaderName)
          Deploy the beans Deploy means "instantiate and configure" so the MBean is created in the MBeanServer You must call "create" and "start" separately on the MBean to affect the service lifecycle deploy doesn't bother with service lifecycle only MBean instanciation/registration/configuration
 List ServiceConfigurator.install(Element config, javax.management.ObjectName loaderName)
          The install method iterates through the mbean tags in the supplied xml configuration and creates and configures the mbeans shown.

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