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Uses of Class org.jboss.web.WebApplication (JBoss Server API) - JBoss 3.2.7 server API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use WebApplication
org.jboss.web Package description goes here

Uses of WebApplication in org.jboss.web

Methods in org.jboss.web that return WebApplication
 WebApplication AbstractWebDeployer.start(org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentInfo di)
          A template pattern implementation of the deploy() method.
 WebApplication AbstractWebContainer.getDeployedApp(String warUrl)
          Get the WebApplication object for a deployed war.
 WebApplication AbstractWebContainer.removeDeployedApp(URL warURL)

Methods in org.jboss.web with parameters of type WebApplication
protected abstract  void AbstractWebDeployer.performDeploy(WebApplication webApp, String warUrl, AbstractWebContainer.WebDescriptorParser webAppParser)
          This method is called by the deploy() method template and must be overriden by subclasses to perform the web container specific deployment steps.
protected abstract  void AbstractWebDeployer.performUndeploy(String warUrl, WebApplication webApp)
          Called as part of the undeploy() method template to ask the subclass for perform the web container specific undeployment steps.
 void AbstractWebContainer.addDeployedApp(URL warURL, WebApplication webApp)

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