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NullSecurityManager (JBoss Server API) - JBoss 3.2.7 server API Documentation 英文版文档

Class NullSecurityManager

  extended byorg.jboss.security.plugins.NullSecurityManager
All Implemented Interfaces:
AuthenticationManager, RealmMapping, Serializable, SubjectSecurityManager

public class NullSecurityManager
extends Object
implements SubjectSecurityManager, RealmMapping, Serializable

An implementation of SubjectSecurityManager, RealmMapping that authenticates everyone and for which Principals have any role requested. It can be used as a pass-through security manager when you want noop security.

$Revision: $
Scott Stark.
See Also:
isValid(Principal, Object), getPrincipal(Principal), doesUserHaveRole(Principal, Set), Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
NullSecurityManager(String securityDomain)
          Creates a default JaasSecurityManager for with the given securityDomain name.
Method Summary
 boolean doesUserHaveRole(Principal principal, Set roleNames)
          Does the current Subject have a role(a Principal) that equates to one of the role names.
 Subject getActiveSubject()
          Get the currently authenticated Subject.
 Principal getPrincipal(Principal principal)
          Always returns the argument principal.
 String getSecurityDomain()
          Get the name of the security domain associated with this security mgr.
 Set getUserRoles(Principal principal)
          Return the set of domain roles the principal has been assigned.
 boolean isValid(Principal principal, Object credential)
          Validate that the given credential is correct for principal.
 boolean isValid(Principal principal, Object credential, Subject activeSubject)
          Validate that the given credential is correct for principal.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NullSecurityManager(String securityDomain)
Creates a default JaasSecurityManager for with the given securityDomain name.

Method Detail


public String getSecurityDomain()
Get the name of the security domain associated with this security mgr.

Specified by:
getSecurityDomain in interface SubjectSecurityManager
Name of the security manager security domain.


public Subject getActiveSubject()
Get the currently authenticated Subject.

Specified by:
getActiveSubject in interface SubjectSecurityManager
Always returns null.
See Also:
AuthenticationManager.isValid(Principal, Object), SubjectSecurityManager.isValid(Principal, Object, Subject)


public boolean isValid(Principal principal,
                       Object credential)
Validate that the given credential is correct for principal.

Specified by:
isValid in interface AuthenticationManager
always returns true.


public boolean isValid(Principal principal,
                       Object credential,
                       Subject activeSubject)
Validate that the given credential is correct for principal. This does not populate the activeSubject with any state since no authentication is performed.

Specified by:
isValid in interface SubjectSecurityManager
always returns true.


public Principal getPrincipal(Principal principal)
Always returns the argument principal.

Specified by:
getPrincipal in interface RealmMapping
The argument principal


public boolean doesUserHaveRole(Principal principal,
                                Set roleNames)
Does the current Subject have a role(a Principal) that equates to one of the role names. This method always returns true.

Specified by:
doesUserHaveRole in interface RealmMapping
Always returns true.


public Set getUserRoles(Principal principal)
Return the set of domain roles the principal has been assigned.

Specified by:
getUserRoles in interface RealmMapping
The Set with the AnybodyPrincipal as the sole role.

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