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org.jboss.security (JBoss Server API) - JBoss 3.2.7 server API Documentation 英文版文档

Package org.jboss.security

The basic security interfaces and classes are now located in the jbosssx module.


Interface Summary
AuthenticationManager The SecurityManager is responsible for validating credentials associated with principals.
RealmMapping The interface for Principal mapping.
SecurityDomain The SecurityDomain interface combines the SubjectSecurityManager and RealmMapping interfaces and adds a keyStore and trustStore as well as JSSE KeyManagerFactory and TrustManagerFactory accessors for use with SSL/JSSE.
SecurityProxy An interface describing the requirements for a SecurityInterceptor proxy.
SecurityProxyFactory An interface for factories of SecurityProxy objects.
SubjectSecurityManager An extension of the AuthenticationManager that adds the notion of the active Subject and security domain.

Class Summary
AnybodyPrincipal An implementation of Principal and Comparable that represents any role.
NobodyPrincipal An implementation of Principal and Comparable that represents no role.
SecurityAssociation The SecurityAssociation class maintains the security principal and credentials.
SecurityAssociationAuthenticator An implementation of Authenticator that obtains the username and password from the current SecurityAssociation state.
SimplePrincipal A simple String based implementation of Principal.

Package org.jboss.security Description

The basic security interfaces and classes are now located in the jbosssx module.

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