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org.jboss.proxy.ejb (JBoss Server API) - JBoss 3.2.7 server API Documentation 英文版文档

Package org.jboss.proxy.ejb

Interface Summary
ClusterProxyFactory Tag interface used to determine if a ProxyFactory is used for clustering purposes (to raise warning if such a ProxyFactory is not found for a given bean when clustered=true)
ReadAheadBuffer This interface is used for EJB CMP 2.0 read ahead algorithm for holding read ahead values.

Class Summary
EJBMetaDataImpl An implementation of the EJBMetaData interface which allows a client to obtain the enterprise Bean's meta-data information.
EntityInterceptor An EJB entity bean proxy class.
GenericEJBInterceptor The base EJB behavior interceptor.
HomeInterceptor The client-side proxy for an EJB Home object.
ListEntityInterceptor An EJB CMP entity bean proxy class holds info about the List that the entity belongs to, is used for reading ahead.
ProxyFactory As we remove the one one association between container STACK and invoker we keep this around.
ReadAheadResult A result of get-method invocation of CMP 2.0 entity bean in the case where read ahead is turned on.
RetryInterceptor An interceptor that will retry failed invocations by restoring the InvocationContext invoker.
StatelessSessionHomeInterceptor The client-side proxy for a stateless session Home object, that caches the stateless session interface
StatelessSessionInterceptor An EJB stateless session bean proxy class.

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