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GenericProxyFactory (JBoss Server API) - JBoss 3.2.7 server API Documentation 英文版文档

Class GenericProxyFactory

  extended byorg.jboss.proxy.GenericProxyFactory

public class GenericProxyFactory
extends Object

A generic factory of java.lang.reflect.Proxy that constructs a proxy that is a composite of ClientContainer/Interceptors/Invoker

$Revision: $

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Object createProxy(Object id, javax.management.ObjectName targetName, Invoker invoker, String jndiName, String proxyBindingName, ArrayList interceptorClasses, ClassLoader loader, Class[] ifaces)
          Create a composite proxy for the given interfaces, invoker.
 Object createProxy(Object id, javax.management.ObjectName targetName, javax.management.ObjectName invokerName, String jndiName, String proxyBindingName, ArrayList interceptorClasses, ClassLoader loader, Class[] ifaces)
          Create a composite proxy for the given interfaces, invoker.
protected  void loadInterceptorChain(ArrayList chain, ClientContainer client)
          The loadInterceptorChain create instances of interceptor classes from the list of classes given by the chain array.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GenericProxyFactory()
Method Detail


public Object createProxy(Object id,
                          javax.management.ObjectName targetName,
                          Invoker invoker,
                          String jndiName,
                          String proxyBindingName,
                          ArrayList interceptorClasses,
                          ClassLoader loader,
                          Class[] ifaces)
Create a composite proxy for the given interfaces, invoker.

id - - the cache id for the target object if any
targetName - - the name of the server side service
invoker - - the detached invoker stub to embed in the proxy
jndiName - - the JNDI name the proxy will be bound under if not null
proxyBindingName - - the invoker-proxy-binding name if not null
interceptorClasses - - the Class objects for the interceptors
loader - - the ClassLoader to associate the the Proxy
ifaces - - the Class objects for the interfaces the Proxy implements


public Object createProxy(Object id,
                          javax.management.ObjectName targetName,
                          javax.management.ObjectName invokerName,
                          String jndiName,
                          String proxyBindingName,
                          ArrayList interceptorClasses,
                          ClassLoader loader,
                          Class[] ifaces)
Create a composite proxy for the given interfaces, invoker.

id - - the cache id for the target object if any
targetName - - the name of the server side service
invokerName - - the name of the server side JMX invoker
jndiName - - the JNDI name the proxy will be bound under if not null
proxyBindingName - - the invoker-proxy-binding name if not null
interceptorClasses - - the Class objects for the interceptors
loader - - the ClassLoader to associate the the Proxy
ifaces - - the Class objects for the interfaces the Proxy implements


protected void loadInterceptorChain(ArrayList chain,
                                    ClientContainer client)
                             throws Exception
The loadInterceptorChain create instances of interceptor classes from the list of classes given by the chain array.

Exception - if an error occurs

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