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org.jboss.jmx.connector.notification (JBoss Server API) - JBoss 3.2.7 server API Documentation 英文版文档

Package org.jboss.jmx.connector.notification

Interface Summary
JMSNotificationListenerMBean MBean interface.
ListenerMBean MBean Interface of a Notification Listener MBean
PollingNotificationListenerMBean MBean interface.
RMIClientNotificationListenerInterface This Interface defines the methods in the RMI Stub transferred to the server-side.
RMINotificationListenerMBean MBean interface.

Class Summary
ClientNotificationListener Basic Local Listener to receive Notification from a remote JMX Agent
JMSClientNotificationListener Local JMS Listener to receive the message and send to the listener
JMSNotificationListener Remote Listener using JMS to send the event
PollingClientNotificationListener Local Polling Listener to receive the message and send to the listener
PollingNotificationListener Remote Listener using Polling to send the event
RMIClientNotificationListener Client-side RMI Listener to receive the message and send to the clients listener.
RMINotificationListener Notification Listener Implementation registered as MBean on the remote JMX Server and the added as Notification Listener on the remote JMX Server.
SearchClientNotificationListener Local Listener only to seach other Local Listeners

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