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EJBConnector (JBoss Server API) - JBoss 3.2.7 server API Documentation 英文版文档

Class EJBConnector

  extended byorg.jboss.jmx.connector.rmi.RMIConnectorImpl
      extended byorg.jboss.jmx.connector.ejb.EJBConnector
All Implemented Interfaces:
EJBConnectorMBean, javax.management.MBeanServer, javax.management.MBeanServerConnection, RemoteMBeanServer, RMIConnectorImplMBean

public class EJBConnector
extends RMIConnectorImpl
implements RemoteMBeanServer, EJBConnectorMBean

This is the equivalent to the RMI Connector but uses the EJB Adaptor. The only advantage of using EJB-Adaptor is that you can utilize the security.

ATTENTION: Note that for the event transport (or in the JMX Notations: Notification) the server must be able to load the RMI Stubs and the Remote Listener classes. Therefore you must make them available to the JMX Server and the EJB-Adaptor (meaning the EJB-Container).

Translates RemoteExceptions into MBeanExceptions where declared and RuntimeMBeanExceptions when not declared. RuntimeMBeanException contain NestedRuntimeException containg the root RemoteException due to RuntimeMBeanException taking a RuntimeException and not a Throwable for detail.

$Revision: 1.10 $
Andreas Schaefer (andreas.schaefer@madplanet.com), Jason Dillon

Field Summary
protected  String mJNDIName
protected  String mJNDIServer
Fields inherited from class org.jboss.jmx.connector.rmi.RMIConnectorImpl
log, mEventType, mListeners, mOptions, mRandom, mRemoteAdaptor, mServer
Fields inherited from interface org.jboss.jmx.connector.RemoteMBeanServer
Constructor Summary
EJBConnector(AdaptorHome pAdaptorHome)
          AS For evaluation purposes Creates a Connector based on an already found Adaptor
EJBConnector(int pType, String[] pOptions)
          Creates an Client Connector using the EJB-Adaptor to access the remote JMX Server.
EJBConnector(int pType, String[] pOptions, String pJNDIName)
          Creates an Client Connector using the EJB-Adaptor to access the remote JMX Server.
EJBConnector(int pType, String[] pOptions, String pJNDIName, String pJNDIServer)
          Creates an Client Connector using the EJB-Adaptor to access the remote JMX Server.
Method Summary
protected  Adaptor getAdaptorBean(String pJNDIName)
 String getServerDescription()
 void start(Object pServer)
Methods inherited from class org.jboss.jmx.connector.rmi.RMIConnectorImpl
addNotificationListener, addNotificationListener, createMBean, createMBean, createMBean, createMBean, deserialize, deserialize, deserialize, getAttribute, getAttributes, getClassLoader, getClassLoaderFor, getClassLoaderRepository, getDefaultDomain, getDomains, getMBeanCount, getMBeanInfo, getObjectInstance, instantiate, instantiate, instantiate, instantiate, invoke, isAlive, isInstanceOf, isRegistered, queryMBeans, queryNames, registerMBean, removeNotificationListener, removeNotificationListener, removeNotificationListener, removeNotificationListener, setAttribute, setAttributes, stop, unregisterMBean
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javax.management.MBeanServer
addNotificationListener, addNotificationListener, createMBean, createMBean, createMBean, createMBean, deserialize, deserialize, deserialize, getAttribute, getAttributes, getClassLoader, getClassLoaderFor, getClassLoaderRepository, getDefaultDomain, getDomains, getMBeanCount, getMBeanInfo, getObjectInstance, instantiate, instantiate, instantiate, instantiate, invoke, isInstanceOf, isRegistered, queryMBeans, queryNames, registerMBean, removeNotificationListener, removeNotificationListener, removeNotificationListener, removeNotificationListener, setAttribute, setAttributes, unregisterMBean

Field Detail


protected String mJNDIServer


protected String mJNDIName
Constructor Detail


public EJBConnector(AdaptorHome pAdaptorHome)
             throws javax.ejb.CreateException,
AS For evaluation purposes Creates a Connector based on an already found Adaptor


public EJBConnector(int pType,
                    String[] pOptions)
             throws Exception
Creates an Client Connector using the EJB-Adaptor to access the remote JMX Server.

pType - Defines the type of event transport. Please have a look at the constants with the prefix NOTIFICATION_TYPE which protocols are supported
pOptions - List of options used for the event transport. Right now only for event type JMS there is the JMS Queue- Factory JNDI Name supported.


public EJBConnector(int pType,
                    String[] pOptions,
                    String pJNDIName)
             throws Exception
Creates an Client Connector using the EJB-Adaptor to access the remote JMX Server.

pType - Defines the type of event transport. Please have a look at the constants with the prefix NOTIFICATION_TYPE which protocols are supported
pOptions - List of options used for the event transport. Right now only for event type JMS there is the JMS Queue- Factory JNDI Name supported.
pJNDIName - JNDI Name of the EJB-Adaptor to lookup its Home interface and if null then "ejb/jmx/ejb/Adaptor" is used as default


public EJBConnector(int pType,
                    String[] pOptions,
                    String pJNDIName,
                    String pJNDIServer)
             throws Exception
Creates an Client Connector using the EJB-Adaptor to access the remote JMX Server.

pType - Defines the type of event transport. Please have a look at the constants with the prefix NOTIFICATION_TYPE which protocols are supported
pOptions - List of options used for the event transport. Right now only for event type JMS there is the JMS Queue- Factory JNDI Name supported.
pJNDIName - JNDI Name of the EJB-Adaptor to lookup its Home interface and if null then "ejb/jmx/ejb/Adaptor" is used as default
pJNDIServer - Server name of the JNDI server to look up the EJB-Adaptor and QueueFactory if JMS is used for the event transport. If null then the default specified in the "jndi.properties" will be used.
Method Detail


protected Adaptor getAdaptorBean(String pJNDIName)
                          throws NamingException,


public void start(Object pServer)
           throws Exception

Specified by:
start in interface EJBConnectorMBean
start in class RMIConnectorImpl


public String getServerDescription()

getServerDescription in class RMIConnectorImpl

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