Interface Summary | |
AbstractInstanceCacheMBean | MBean interface. |
AbstractInstancePoolMBean | MBean interface. |
EntityInstanceCacheMBean | MBean interface. |
PerTxEntityInstanceCacheMBean | MBean interface. |
PrincipalInfoAction | |
StatefulSessionFilePersistenceManagerMBean | MBean interface. |
TxRetryExceptionHandler | Interface used by TxInterceptorCMT on whether to retry TX |
Class Summary | |
AbstractInstanceCache | Base class for caches of entity and stateful beans. |
AbstractInstancePool | Abstract Instance Pool class containing the basic logic to create an EJB Instance Pool. |
AbstractInterceptor | An abstract base class for container interceptors. |
AbstractPassivationJob | Abstract class for passivation jobs. |
BeanSemaphore | Allow ability to mark a Semaphore as no longer valid for mutex locking |
BMPPersistenceManager | Persistence manager for BMP entites. |
CMPFilePersistenceManager | A file-based CMP entity bean persistence manager. |
CMPInMemoryPersistenceManager | EntityPersistenceStore implementation storing values in-memory for very efficient access. |
CMPPersistenceManager | The CMP Persistence Manager implements the semantics of the CMP EJB 1.1 call back specification. |
EntityCreationInterceptor | The instance interceptors role is to break entity creation into two calls, one for ejbCreate and one for ejbPostCreate. |
EntityInstanceCache | Cache subclass for entity beans. |
EntityInstanceInterceptor | The instance interceptors role is to acquire a context representing the target object from the cache. |
EntityInstancePool | An entity bean instance pool. |
EntityLockInterceptor | The lock interceptors role is to schedule thread wanting to invoke method on a target bean |
EntityMultiInstanceInterceptor | Deprecated. this interceptor was used with Instance Per Transaction containers which do not use a global cache but cache instances per transaction and always passivate instances at commit time (commit option C). |
EntityMultiInstanceSynchronizationInterceptor | Deprecated. this interceptor was used with Instance Per Transaction containers which do not use a global cache but cache instances per transaction and always passivate instances at commit time (commit option C). |
EntityReentranceInterceptor | The role of this interceptor is to check for reentrancy. |
EntitySynchronizationInterceptor | The role of this interceptor is to synchronize the state of the cache with the underlying storage. |
HandleWrapper | A wrapper for javax.ejb.Handle ivars of stateful sessions. |
InvalidableEntityInstanceCache | Cache implementation that registers with an InvalidationManager when in commit option A or D. |
LogInterceptor | An interceptor used to log all invocations. |
LRUEnterpriseContextCachePolicy | Least Recently Used cache policy for EnterpriseContexts. |
LRUStatefulContextCachePolicy | Least Recently Used cache policy for StatefulSessionEnterpriseContexts. |
MessageDrivenInstanceInterceptor | This container acquires the given instance. |
MessageDrivenInstancePool | A message driven bean instance pool. |
MessageDrivenTxInterceptorBMT | This interceptor handles transactions for message BMT beans. |
MetricsInterceptor | MetricsInterceptor collects data from the bean invocation call and publishes them on a JMS topic (bound to topic/metrics in the name service). |
NoPassivationCachePolicy | Implementation of a no passivation cache policy. |
PerTxEntityInstanceCache | Per transaction instance cache. |
PrincipalInfoAction.UTIL | |
ProxyFactoryFinderInterceptor | This interceptor injects the ProxyFactory into the ThreadLocal container variable |
RunAsSecurityInterceptor | An interceptor that enforces the run-as identity declared by a bean. |
SecurityInterceptor | The SecurityInterceptor is where the EJB 2.0 declarative security model is enforced. |
SecurityProxyInterceptor | The SecurityProxyInterceptor is where the EJB custom security proxy integration is performed. |
SessionObjectInputStream | The SessionObjectInputStream is used to deserialize stateful session beans when they are activated |
SessionObjectOutputStream | The SessionObjectOutputStream is used to serialize stateful session beans when they are passivated |
SingletonStatelessSessionInstancePool | Singleton pool for session beans. |
StatefulSessionFilePersistenceManager | A file-based stateful session bean persistence manager. |
StatefulSessionInstanceCache | Cache for stateful session beans. |
StatefulSessionInstanceInterceptor | This container acquires the given instance. |
StatefulSessionInstancePool | A stateful session bean instance pool. |
StatelessSessionInstanceInterceptor | This container acquires the given instance. |
StatelessSessionInstancePool | A stateless session bean instance pool. |
TxInterceptorBMT | This interceptor handles transactions for session BMT beans. |
TxInterceptorCMT | This interceptor handles transactions for CMT beans. |
Package description goes here.