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org.jboss.ejb.plugins (JBoss Server API) - JBoss 3.2.7 server API Documentation 英文版文档

Package org.jboss.ejb.plugins

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Interface Summary
AbstractInstanceCacheMBean MBean interface.
AbstractInstancePoolMBean MBean interface.
EntityInstanceCacheMBean MBean interface.
PerTxEntityInstanceCacheMBean MBean interface.
StatefulSessionFilePersistenceManagerMBean MBean interface.
TxRetryExceptionHandler Interface used by TxInterceptorCMT on whether to retry TX

Class Summary
AbstractInstanceCache Base class for caches of entity and stateful beans.
AbstractInstancePool Abstract Instance Pool class containing the basic logic to create an EJB Instance Pool.
AbstractInterceptor An abstract base class for container interceptors.
AbstractPassivationJob Abstract class for passivation jobs.
BeanSemaphore Allow ability to mark a Semaphore as no longer valid for mutex locking
BMPPersistenceManager Persistence manager for BMP entites.
CMPFilePersistenceManager A file-based CMP entity bean persistence manager.
CMPInMemoryPersistenceManager EntityPersistenceStore implementation storing values in-memory for very efficient access.
CMPPersistenceManager The CMP Persistence Manager implements the semantics of the CMP EJB 1.1 call back specification.
EntityCreationInterceptor The instance interceptors role is to break entity creation into two calls, one for ejbCreate and one for ejbPostCreate.
EntityInstanceCache Cache subclass for entity beans.
EntityInstanceInterceptor The instance interceptors role is to acquire a context representing the target object from the cache.
EntityInstancePool An entity bean instance pool.
EntityLockInterceptor The lock interceptors role is to schedule thread wanting to invoke method on a target bean
EntityMultiInstanceInterceptor Deprecated. this interceptor was used with Instance Per Transaction containers which do not use a global cache but cache instances per transaction and always passivate instances at commit time (commit option C).
EntityMultiInstanceSynchronizationInterceptor Deprecated. this interceptor was used with Instance Per Transaction containers which do not use a global cache but cache instances per transaction and always passivate instances at commit time (commit option C).
EntityReentranceInterceptor The role of this interceptor is to check for reentrancy.
EntitySynchronizationInterceptor The role of this interceptor is to synchronize the state of the cache with the underlying storage.
HandleWrapper A wrapper for javax.ejb.Handle ivars of stateful sessions.
InvalidableEntityInstanceCache Cache implementation that registers with an InvalidationManager when in commit option A or D.
LogInterceptor An interceptor used to log all invocations.
LRUEnterpriseContextCachePolicy Least Recently Used cache policy for EnterpriseContexts.
LRUStatefulContextCachePolicy Least Recently Used cache policy for StatefulSessionEnterpriseContexts.
MessageDrivenInstanceInterceptor This container acquires the given instance.
MessageDrivenInstancePool A message driven bean instance pool.
MessageDrivenTxInterceptorBMT This interceptor handles transactions for message BMT beans.
MetricsInterceptor MetricsInterceptor collects data from the bean invocation call and publishes them on a JMS topic (bound to topic/metrics in the name service).
NoPassivationCachePolicy Implementation of a no passivation cache policy.
PerTxEntityInstanceCache Per transaction instance cache.
ProxyFactoryFinderInterceptor This interceptor injects the ProxyFactory into the ThreadLocal container variable
RunAsSecurityInterceptor An interceptor that enforces the run-as identity declared by a bean.
SecurityInterceptor The SecurityInterceptor is where the EJB 2.0 declarative security model is enforced.
SecurityProxyInterceptor The SecurityProxyInterceptor is where the EJB custom security proxy integration is performed.
SessionObjectInputStream The SessionObjectInputStream is used to deserialize stateful session beans when they are activated
SessionObjectOutputStream The SessionObjectOutputStream is used to serialize stateful session beans when they are passivated
SingletonStatelessSessionInstancePool Singleton pool for session beans.
StatefulSessionFilePersistenceManager A file-based stateful session bean persistence manager.
StatefulSessionInstanceCache Cache for stateful session beans.
StatefulSessionInstanceInterceptor This container acquires the given instance.
StatefulSessionInstancePool A stateful session bean instance pool.
StatelessSessionInstanceInterceptor This container acquires the given instance.
StatelessSessionInstancePool A stateless session bean instance pool.
TxInterceptorBMT This interceptor handles transactions for session BMT beans.
TxInterceptorCMT This interceptor handles transactions for CMT beans.

Package org.jboss.ejb.plugins Description

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