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BeanLockSupport (JBoss Server API) - JBoss 3.2.7 server API Documentation 英文版文档

Class BeanLockSupport

  extended byorg.jboss.ejb.plugins.lock.BeanLockSupport
All Implemented Interfaces:
BeanLock, BeanLockExt, org.jboss.util.deadlock.Resource
Direct Known Subclasses:
NoLock, QueuedPessimisticEJBLock, SimpleReadWriteEJBLock

public abstract class BeanLockSupport
extends Object
implements org.jboss.util.deadlock.Resource, BeanLockExt

Support for the BeanLock

$Revision: $
Bill Burke, Marc Fleury

Field Summary
protected  Container container
protected  Object id
          The Cachekey corresponding to this Bean
protected  int refs
          Number of threads that retrieved this lock from the manager (0 means removing)
protected  Thread synched
protected  int synchedDepth
protected  Transaction tx
          Transaction holding lock on bean
protected  int txTimeout
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addRef()
          Increment the reference count of this lock.
 boolean attemptSync()
          A non-blocking method that checks if the calling thread will be able to acquire the sync lock based on the calling thread.
abstract  void endInvocation(Invocation mi)
          Callback to the BeanLock to inform it that a method invocation has ended.
abstract  void endTransaction(Transaction tx)
          Informs the lock that the given transaction has ended.
 Object getId()
          Get the bean instance cache id for the bean we are locking for.
 int getRefs()
          Get the current reference count of this lock.
 Object getResourceHolder()
 Transaction getTransaction()
          Get the transaction currently associated with this lock.
 void releaseSync()
          Release exclusive access to this lock instance.
 void removeRef()
          Decrement the reference count of this lock.
abstract  void schedule(Invocation mi)
          This method implements the actual logic of the lock.
 void setContainer(Container container)
          set the ejb container of this lock.
 void setId(Object id)
          Set the bean instance cache id for the bean we are locking for.
 void setTimeout(int timeout)
          Change long we should wait for a lock.
 void setTransaction(Transaction tx)
          The setTransaction associates a transaction with the lock.
 void sync()
          A method that checks if the calling thread has the lock, and if it does not blocks until the lock is available.
abstract  void wontSynchronize(Transaction tx)
          Signifies to the lock that the transaction will not Synchronize (Tx demarcation not seen).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Container container


protected int refs
Number of threads that retrieved this lock from the manager (0 means removing)


protected Object id
The Cachekey corresponding to this Bean


protected Transaction tx
Transaction holding lock on bean


protected Thread synched


protected int synchedDepth


protected int txTimeout
Constructor Detail


public BeanLockSupport()
Method Detail


public void setId(Object id)
Description copied from interface: BeanLock
Set the bean instance cache id for the bean we are locking for.

Specified by:
setId in interface BeanLock
id - The cache key for the bean instance we are locking for.


public Object getId()
Description copied from interface: BeanLock
Get the bean instance cache id for the bean we are locking for.

Specified by:
getId in interface BeanLock
The cache key for the bean instance we are locking for.


public void setTimeout(int timeout)
Description copied from interface: BeanLock
Change long we should wait for a lock.

Specified by:
setTimeout in interface BeanLock


public void setContainer(Container container)
Description copied from interface: BeanLock
set the ejb container of this lock.

Specified by:
setContainer in interface BeanLock


public Object getResourceHolder()
Specified by:
getResourceHolder in interface org.jboss.util.deadlock.Resource


public boolean attemptSync()
A non-blocking method that checks if the calling thread will be able to acquire the sync lock based on the calling thread.

Specified by:
attemptSync in interface BeanLockExt
true if the calling thread can obtain the sync lock in which case it will, false if another thread already has the lock.


public void sync()
A method that checks if the calling thread has the lock, and if it does not blocks until the lock is available. If there is no current owner of the lock, or the calling thread already owns the lock then the calling thread will immeadiately acquire the lock.

Specified by:
sync in interface BeanLock


public void releaseSync()
Description copied from interface: BeanLock
Release exclusive access to this lock instance.

Specified by:
releaseSync in interface BeanLock


public abstract void schedule(Invocation mi)
                       throws Exception
Description copied from interface: BeanLock
This method implements the actual logic of the lock. In the case of an EJB lock it must at least implement the serialization of calls

Specified by:
schedule in interface BeanLock
mi - The method invocation that needs a lock.


public void setTransaction(Transaction tx)
The setTransaction associates a transaction with the lock. The current transaction is associated by the schedule call.

Specified by:
setTransaction in interface BeanLock
tx - The transaction to associate with this lock.


public Transaction getTransaction()
Description copied from interface: BeanLock
Get the transaction currently associated with this lock.

Specified by:
getTransaction in interface BeanLock
The transaction currently associated with this lock, or null if no transaction is currently associated with this lock.


public abstract void endTransaction(Transaction tx)
Description copied from interface: BeanLock
Informs the lock that the given transaction has ended.

Specified by:
endTransaction in interface BeanLock
tx - The transaction that has ended.


public abstract void wontSynchronize(Transaction tx)
Description copied from interface: BeanLock
Signifies to the lock that the transaction will not Synchronize (Tx demarcation not seen).

OSH: This method does not seem to be called from anywhere. What is it meant for? To be called on a timeout before the transaction has terminated?

Specified by:
wontSynchronize in interface BeanLock


public abstract void endInvocation(Invocation mi)
Description copied from interface: BeanLock
Callback to the BeanLock to inform it that a method invocation has ended. A common use of this method is to release a method lock.

Specified by:
endInvocation in interface BeanLock


public void addRef()
Description copied from interface: BeanLock
Increment the reference count of this lock.

Specified by:
addRef in interface BeanLock


public void removeRef()
Description copied from interface: BeanLock
Decrement the reference count of this lock.

Specified by:
removeRef in interface BeanLock


public int getRefs()
Description copied from interface: BeanLock
Get the current reference count of this lock.

Specified by:
getRefs in interface BeanLock
The current reference count.

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