Interface Summary | |
JDBCQueryMetaData | This interface is used to identify a query that will be invoked in responce to the invocation of a finder method in a home interface or an ejbSelect method in a bean implementation class. |
Class Summary | |
GetTCLAction | |
JDBCApplicationMetaData | This immutable class contains information about the application |
JDBCAuditMetaData | Audit field meta data |
JDBCAutomaticQueryMetaData | This immutable class contains information about an automatically generated query. |
JDBCCMPFieldMetaData | Imutable class which holds all the information jbosscmp-jdbc needs to know about a CMP field It loads its data from standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml and jbosscmp-jdbc.xml |
JDBCCMPFieldPropertyMetaData | This immutable class contains information about the an overriden field property. |
JDBCDeclaredQueryMetaData | Imutable class contains information about a declated query. |
JDBCDynamicQLQueryMetaData | Immutable class which contains information about an DynamicQL query. |
JDBCEntityCommandMetaData | This immutable class contains information about entity command |
JDBCEntityMetaData | This immutable class contains information about an entity |
JDBCFunctionMappingMetaData | |
JDBCJBossQLQueryMetaData | Immutable class which contains information about an JBossQL query. |
JDBCLeftJoinMetaData | Represents
JDBCMappingMetaData | Imutable class which holds a mapping between a Java Class and a JDBC type and a SQL type. |
JDBCOptimisticLockingMetaData | Optimistick locking metadata |
JDBCQlQueryMetaData | Immutable class which contains information about an EJB QL query. |
JDBCQueryMetaDataFactory | JDBCQueryMetaDataFactory constructs a JDBCQueryMetaData object based on the query specifiection type. |
JDBCRawSqlQueryMetaData | Imutable class which holds information about a raw sql query. |
JDBCReadAheadMetaData | Imutable class which holds all the information about read-ahead settings. |
JDBCRelationMetaData | This class represents one ejb-relation element in the ejb-jar.xml file. |
JDBCRelationshipRoleMetaData | Imutable class which represents one ejb-relationship-role element found in the ejb-jar.xml file's ejb-relation elements. |
JDBCTypeMappingMetaData | Imutable class which holds a map between Java Classes and JDBCMappingMetaData. |
JDBCUserTypeMappingMetaData | Immutable class, instances of which represent user type mappings. |
JDBCValueClassMetaData | Imutable class which holds a list of the properties for a dependent value class. |
JDBCValuePropertyMetaData | Imutable class which contains information about a single dependent value object property. |
JDBCXmlFileLoader | Immutable class which loads the JDBC application meta data from the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml files. |
Package description goes here.