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JDBCCMP1xFieldBridge (JBoss Server API) - JBoss 3.2.7 server API Documentation 英文版文档

Class JDBCCMP1xFieldBridge

  extended byorg.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.bridge.JDBCAbstractCMPFieldBridge
      extended byorg.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.bridge.JDBCCMP1xFieldBridge
All Implemented Interfaces:
CMPFieldBridge, FieldBridge, JDBCCMPFieldBridge, JDBCFieldBridge

public class JDBCCMP1xFieldBridge
extends JDBCAbstractCMPFieldBridge

JDBCCMP1xFieldBridge is a concrete implementation of JDBCCMPFieldBridge for CMP version 1.x. Getting and setting of instance fields set the corresponding field in bean instance. Dirty checking is performed by storing the current value in the entity persistence context when ever setClean is called, and comparing current value to the original value. Life-cycle: Tied to the EntityBridge. Multiplicity: One for each entity bean cmp field.

$Revision: $
Dain Sundstrom, Alex Loubyansky

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.bridge.JDBCAbstractCMPFieldBridge
checkDirtyAfterGet, defaultFlags, fieldName, jdbcContextIndex, log, manager, primaryKeyMember, readOnly, readTimeOut, stateFactory, tableIndex
Constructor Summary
JDBCCMP1xFieldBridge(JDBCStoreManager manager, JDBCCMPFieldMetaData metadata)
Method Summary
 Object getInstanceValue(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx)
          Gets the internal value of this field without user level checks.
 Object getLockedValue(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx)
 boolean isDirty(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx)
          Has the value of this field changes since the last time clean was called.
 boolean isLoaded(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx)
          Has the data been loaded?
 boolean isReadTimedOut(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx)
          Has current data read timed out?
 void lockInstanceValue(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx)
          Optimistically locks field value.
 void resetPersistenceContext(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx)
          Resets any persistence data maintained in the context.
 void setClean(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx)
          Mark this field as clean.
protected  void setDirtyAfterGet(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx)
 void setInstanceValue(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx, Object value)
          Sets the internal value of this field without user level checks.
Methods inherited from class org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.bridge.JDBCAbstractCMPFieldBridge
addDefaultFlag, getDefaultFlags, getFieldIndex, getFieldName, getFieldType, getJDBCType, getManager, getPrimaryKeyClass, getPrimaryKeyField, getPrimaryKeyValue, getReadTimeOut, getTableIndex, getValue, initInstance, isCMPField, isPrimaryKeyMember, isReadOnly, isRelationTableField, loadArgumentResults, loadInstanceResults, loadPrimaryKeyResults, setArgumentParameters, setInstanceParameters, setLockingStrategy, setPrimaryKeyParameters, setPrimaryKeyValue, setValue
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JDBCCMP1xFieldBridge(JDBCStoreManager manager,
                            JDBCCMPFieldMetaData metadata)
                     throws org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException
Method Detail


public Object getInstanceValue(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFieldBridge
Gets the internal value of this field without user level checks.

ctx - the context for which this field's value should be fetched
the value of this field


public void setInstanceValue(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx,
                             Object value)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFieldBridge
Sets the internal value of this field without user level checks.

ctx - the context for which this field's value should be set
value - the new value of this field


public Object getLockedValue(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx)
ctx - instance's context
field value that was locked.


public void lockInstanceValue(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx)
Description copied from interface: JDBCCMPFieldBridge
Optimistically locks field value.


public boolean isLoaded(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFieldBridge
Has the data been loaded?


public boolean isDirty(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx)
Has the value of this field changes since the last time clean was called.


public void setClean(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx)
Mark this field as clean. Saves the current state in context, so it can be compared when isDirty is called.


public boolean isReadTimedOut(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFieldBridge
Has current data read timed out?


public void resetPersistenceContext(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFieldBridge
Resets any persistence data maintained in the context.

Specified by:
resetPersistenceContext in interface JDBCFieldBridge
Specified by:
resetPersistenceContext in class JDBCAbstractCMPFieldBridge


protected void setDirtyAfterGet(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx)
Specified by:
setDirtyAfterGet in class JDBCAbstractCMPFieldBridge

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