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CMPFieldStateFactory (JBoss Server API) - JBoss 3.2.7 server API Documentation 英文版文档

Interface CMPFieldStateFactory

public interface CMPFieldStateFactory

Implementations of this interface are used to create and compare field states for equality.

Alexey Loubyansky

Method Summary
 Object getFieldState(Object fieldValue)
          Calculates and returns an object that represents the state of the field value.
 boolean isStateValid(Object state, Object fieldValue)
          Checks whether the field's state state is equal to the field value's state (possibly, calculated with the getFieldState() method).

Method Detail


public Object getFieldState(Object fieldValue)
Calculates and returns an object that represents the state of the field value. The states produced by this method will be used to check whether the field is dirty at synchronization time.

fieldValue - field's value.
an object representing the field's state.


public boolean isStateValid(Object state,
                            Object fieldValue)
Checks whether the field's state state is equal to the field value's state (possibly, calculated with the getFieldState() method).

state - the state to compare with field value's state.
fieldValue - field's value, the state of which will be compared with state.
true if state equals to fieldValue's state.

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