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EntityBridgeInvocationHandler (JBoss Server API) - JBoss 3.2.7 server API Documentation 英文版文档

Class EntityBridgeInvocationHandler

  extended byorg.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.bridge.EntityBridgeInvocationHandler
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EntityBridgeInvocationHandler
extends Object
implements InvocationHandler

EntityBridgeInvocationHandler is the invocation hander used by the CMP 2.x dynamic proxy. This class only interacts with the EntityBridge. The main job of this class is to deligate invocation of abstract methods to the appropriate EntityBridge method.

Life-cycle: Tied to the life-cycle of an entity bean instance.

Multiplicity: One per cmp entity bean instance, including beans in pool.

$Revision: $
Dain Sundstrom, Alexey Loubyansky

Nested Class Summary
static interface EntityBridgeInvocationHandler.BridgeInvoker
static class EntityBridgeInvocationHandler.FieldGetInvoker
static class EntityBridgeInvocationHandler.FieldSetInvoker
Constructor Summary
EntityBridgeInvocationHandler(Map fieldMap, Map selectorMap, Class beanClass)
          Creates an invocation handler for the specified entity.
Method Summary
 Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)
          Processes a method invocation on a proxy instance and returns the result.
 void setContext(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EntityBridgeInvocationHandler(Map fieldMap,
                                     Map selectorMap,
                                     Class beanClass)
Creates an invocation handler for the specified entity.

Method Detail


public void setContext(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx)


public Object invoke(Object proxy,
                     Method method,
                     Object[] args)
              throws javax.ejb.FinderException
Description copied from interface: InvocationHandler
Processes a method invocation on a proxy instance and returns the result.

Specified by:
invoke in interface InvocationHandler
proxy - ???
method - The method instance corresponding to the interface method invoked on the proxy instance.
args - An array of objects containing the values of the arguments passed in the method invocation on the proxy instance, or null if interface method takes no arguments.
The value to return from the method invocation on the proxy instance.

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