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EJBProxyFactory (JBoss Server API) - JBoss 3.2.7 server API Documentation 英文版文档

Interface EJBProxyFactory

All Superinterfaces:
ContainerPlugin, GenericEntityObjectFactory, org.jboss.system.Service
All Known Implementing Classes:
JMSContainerInvoker, ProxyFactory

public interface EJBProxyFactory
extends GenericEntityObjectFactory, ContainerPlugin

This is an interface for Container plugins. Implementations of this interface are responsible for receiving remote invocations of EJB's and to forward these requests to the Container it is being used with.

It is responsible for providing any EJBObject and EJBHome implementations (which may be statically or dynamically created).

Before forwarding a call to the container it must call Thread.setContextClassLoader() with the classloader of the container. It must also handle any propagated transaction and security contexts properly. It may acquire the TransactionManager from JNDI.

$Revision: $

20011219 marc fleury:

  • Moved from typed return to Object to allow for optimizations in creation
  • Per Dain Sundstrom requests removed the Remote Exception.
  • The Container Invoker is going to be replaced by the ProxyFactory
Rickard 脰berg, Marc Fleury
See Also:

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class org.jboss.ejb.GenericEntityObjectFactory
Method Summary
 Object getEJBHome()
          This method is called whenever the EJBHome implementation for this container is needed.
 javax.ejb.EJBMetaData getEJBMetaData()
          This method is called whenever the metadata for this container is needed.
 Collection getEntityCollection(Collection enum)
          This method is called whenever a collection of EJBObjects for a collection of primary keys is needed.
 Object getEntityEJBObject(Object id)
          This method is called whenever an EJBObject implementation for an entitybean is needed.
 Object getStatefulSessionEJBObject(Object id)
          This method is called whenever an EJBObject implementation for a stateful session bean is needed.
 Object getStatelessSessionEJBObject()
          This method is called whenever an EJBObject implementation for a stateless session bean is needed.
 void setInvokerBinding(String binding)
          Set the invoker jndi binding
 void setInvokerMetaData(InvokerProxyBindingMetaData imd)
          Set the invoker meta data so that the ProxyFactory can initialize properly
Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.ejb.ContainerPlugin
Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.system.Service
create, destroy, start, stop

Method Detail


public void setInvokerMetaData(InvokerProxyBindingMetaData imd)
Set the invoker meta data so that the ProxyFactory can initialize properly


public void setInvokerBinding(String binding)
Set the invoker jndi binding


public javax.ejb.EJBMetaData getEJBMetaData()
This method is called whenever the metadata for this container is needed.

An implementation of the EJBMetaData interface.


public Object getEJBHome()
This method is called whenever the EJBHome implementation for this container is needed.

An implementation of the home interface for this container.


public Object getStatelessSessionEJBObject()
This method is called whenever an EJBObject implementation for a stateless session bean is needed.

An implementation of the remote interface for this container.
RemoteException - Thrown if the EJBObject could not be created.


public Object getStatefulSessionEJBObject(Object id)
This method is called whenever an EJBObject implementation for a stateful session bean is needed.

id - The id of the session.
An implementation of the remote interface for this container.
RemoteException - Thrown if the EJBObject could not be created.


public Object getEntityEJBObject(Object id)
This method is called whenever an EJBObject implementation for an entitybean is needed.

Specified by:
getEntityEJBObject in interface GenericEntityObjectFactory
id - The primary key of the entity.
An implementation of the remote interface for this container.
RemoteException - Thrown if the EJBObject could not be created.


public Collection getEntityCollection(Collection enum)
This method is called whenever a collection of EJBObjects for a collection of primary keys is needed.

enum - Enumeration of primary keys.
A collection of EJBObjects implementing the remote interface for this container.
RemoteException - Thrown if the EJBObjects could not be created.

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