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RMINotificationListener (JBoss/Management API) - JBoss 3.2.7 management API Documentation 英文版文档

Class RMINotificationListener

  extended byorg.jboss.management.mejb.RMINotificationListener
All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, ListenerMBean, javax.management.NotificationListener, RMINotificationListenerMBean

public class RMINotificationListener
extends Object
implements RMINotificationListenerMBean

Notification Listener Implementation registered as MBean on the remote JMX Server and the added as Notification Listener on the remote JMX Server. Each notification received will be transfered to the remote client using RMI Callback Objects.

$Revision: $
Andreas Schaefer

Constructor Summary
RMINotificationListener(RMIClientNotificationListenerInterface pClientListener)
          Creates the RMI Notification Listener MBean implemenation which will be registered at the remote JMX Server as notificatin listener and then send the notification over the provided RMI Notification sender to the client
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object pTest)
          Test if this and the given Object are equal.
 void handleNotification(javax.management.Notification pNotification, Object pHandback)
          Handles the given notifcation event and passed it to the registered RMI Notification Sender
 int hashCode()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RMINotificationListener(RMIClientNotificationListenerInterface pClientListener)
Creates the RMI Notification Listener MBean implemenation which will be registered at the remote JMX Server as notificatin listener and then send the notification over the provided RMI Notification sender to the client

pClientListener - RMI-Stub used to transfer the Notification over the wire.
Method Detail


public void handleNotification(javax.management.Notification pNotification,
                               Object pHandback)
Handles the given notifcation event and passed it to the registered RMI Notification Sender

Specified by:
handleNotification in interface ListenerMBean
pNotification - NotificationEvent
pHandback - Handback object


public boolean equals(Object pTest)
Test if this and the given Object are equal. This is true if the given object both refer to the same local listener

pTest - Other object to test if equal
True if both are of same type and refer to the same local listener


public int hashCode()
Hashcode of the remote listener

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