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org.jboss.management.j2ee.statistics (JBoss/Management API) - JBoss 3.2.7 management API Documentation 英文版文档

Package org.jboss.management.j2ee.statistics

Interface Summary
StatisticsProvider Indicates that this Managed Object implements the JSR-77.6 StatisticsProvider model

Class Summary
BoundaryStatisticImpl This class is the JBoss specific Boundary Statistics class allowing just to increase and resetStats the instance.
BoundedRangeStatisticImpl This class is the JBoss specific BoundedRangeStatistic implementation
CountStatisticImpl This class is the JBoss specific Counter Statistics class
EJBStatsImpl The JSR77.6.11 EJBStats implementation
EntityBeanStatsImpl The JSR77.6.12 EntityBeanStats implementation
JCAConnectionPoolStatsImpl The JSR77.6.20 JCAConnectionPoolStats implementation
JCAStatsImpl The JSR77.6.18 JCAStats implementation
JMSConnectionStatsImpl Represents the statistics provided by a JMS Connection.
JMSConsumerStatsImpl Represents a statistics provided by a JMS message producer
JMSEndpointStatsImpl Represents a statistics provided by a JMS message producer or a JMS message consumer
JMSProducerStatsImpl Represents a statistics provided by a JMS message producer
JMSSessionStatsImpl Represents the statistics provided by a JMS Session
JMSStatsImpl Represents the statistics provided by a JMS resource.
JTAStatsImpl The JSR77.6.30 JTAStats implementation
JVMStatsImpl The JSR77.6.32 JMVStats implementation
MessageDrivenBeanStatsImpl The JSR77.6.13 MessageDrivenBeanStats implementation
RangeStatisticImpl This class is the JBoss specific Range Statistics class allowing just to increase and resetStats the instance.
ServletStatsImpl The implementation of the JSR77 ServletStats model
StatefulSessionBeanStatsImpl The JSR77.6.11 EJBStats implementation
StatelessSessionBeanStatsImpl The JSR77.6.14 StatlessBeanStats implementation
StatisticImpl JBoss Implementation of the base Model for a Statistic Information
StatsBase The base JSR77.6.10 Stats interface base implementation
TimeStatisticImpl Time Statisitic Container for JBoss.

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