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JBoss 3.2.7 management API Documentation 英文版文档
EventProvider (JBoss/Management API) - JBoss 3.2.7 management API Documentation 英文版文档
Interface EventProvider
- All Known Subinterfaces:
- EJBModuleMBean, JavaMailResourceMBean, JDBCDataSourceMBean, JDBCResourceMBean, JNDIResourceMBean, MBeanMBean, RMI_IIOPResourceMBean, ServiceModuleMBean, StateManageable, URLResourceMBean, WebModuleMBean
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- EJBModule, JavaMailResource, JDBCDataSource, JDBCResource, JNDIResource, MBean, RMI_IIOPResource, ServiceModule, URLResource, WebModule
- public interface EventProvider
Indicates the emitting of Events and also
indicates what types of events it emits.
Attention: This interface is not indented to be used by the client
but it is morely a desription of what the client will get when he/she
receives attributes from the JSR-77 server or what method can be
All attributes (getXXX) can be received by
or in bulk by:
Methods (all except getXXX()) can be invoked by:
- Version:
- $Revision: $
- Author:
- Marc Fleury, Andreas Schaefer
public String[] getEventTypes()
- Returns:
- The actual list of Types of Events this Managed Object emits.
The list is never null nor empty
public String getEventType(int index)
- Returns the given Type of Events it emits according to its index in the list
- Parameters:
- Index of the requested Event Type
- Returns:
- Event Type if given Index is within the boundaries otherwise null
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