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ObjectNameConverter (JBoss/JMX API) - JBoss 3.2.7 jmx API Documentation 英文版文档

Class ObjectNameConverter

  extended byorg.jboss.mx.util.ObjectNameConverter

public class ObjectNameConverter
extends Object

Converts forbidden characters in the key and value of an object name to valid characters and back.
Character Conversion Table: (based on RFC 1738 style escapes
'%' => '%25'
'*' => '%2a'
',' => '%2c'
':' => '%3a'
'?' => '%3f'
'=' => '%3d'

Thanx to William Hoyle for mention this
Attention:When you have a comma in one of your property value then you have to use a Hashtable to provide the properties otherwise the property parsing will fail.

$Revision: $
Andreas Schaefer, William Hoyle

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static ObjectName convert(String pObjectName)
          Parses the given Object Name String representation and replaces any invalid characters in property keays and values with valid characters.
static ObjectName convert(String pDomainName, Hashtable pProperties)
          Check the keys and values of the properties and convert invalid characters
static String convertCharacters(String pValue, boolean pEncrypt)
          Encrypt or decrypt the forbidden characters in an Object Name value property
static Hashtable getProperties(ObjectName pObjectName)
          Takes the properties from the given Object Name and convert special characters back
static String getString(ObjectName pObjectName)
          Takes the properties from the given Object Name and convert special characters back
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ObjectNameConverter()
Method Detail


public static ObjectName convert(String pObjectName)
                          throws MalformedObjectNameException
Parses the given Object Name String representation and replaces any invalid characters in property keays and values with valid characters. Attention: Do not use this method when a property key or value contain a comma because then the parsing will fail. Please use the convert( String, Hashtable ) instead because the properties are already parsed (by you).

pObjectName - String representing an Object Name which must not contain a comman inside a property value
Created Object Name with the converted keys and values of the given Object Name
MalformedObjectNameException - If the given Object Name is not correct


public static ObjectName convert(String pDomainName,
                                 Hashtable pProperties)
                          throws MalformedObjectNameException
Check the keys and values of the properties and convert invalid characters

pDomainName - Name of the Domain
Created Object Name with the converted keays and values
MalformedObjectNameException - If the given Object Name is not correct


public static Hashtable getProperties(ObjectName pObjectName)
Takes the properties from the given Object Name and convert special characters back

pObjectName - Given Object Name
Hashtable with the back converted properties in it and will contain a "*" as key if the given object name is a property pattern for queries.


public static String getString(ObjectName pObjectName)
Takes the properties from the given Object Name and convert special characters back

pObjectName - Given Object Name
String with the original Object Name String representation and when a property pattern Object Name for queries it contains a ",*" at the end.


public static String convertCharacters(String pValue,
                                       boolean pEncrypt)
Encrypt or decrypt the forbidden characters in an Object Name value property

pValue - Property Value of the Object Name's property list to be en- or decrypted
pEncrypt - True if the value must be encrypted otherwise decrypted
A en- or decrypted String according to the conversion table above

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