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Uses of Class javax.management.openmbean.OpenType (JBoss/JMX API) - JBoss 3.2.7 jmx API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use OpenType

Uses of OpenType in javax.management.openmbean

Subclasses of OpenType in javax.management.openmbean
 class ArrayType
          Array types.
 class CompositeType
          The CompositeType is an OpenType that describes CompositeData.
 class SimpleType
          The open type for simple java classes.
 class TabularType
          The TabularType is an OpenType that describes TabularData.

Methods in javax.management.openmbean that return OpenType
 OpenType OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport.getOpenType()
 OpenType OpenMBeanParameterInfo.getOpenType()
          Retrieve the open type for this parameter
 OpenType OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport.getReturnOpenType()
 OpenType OpenMBeanOperationInfo.getReturnOpenType()
          Retrieves the open type return type of operation.
 OpenType OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport.getOpenType()
 OpenType CompositeType.getType(String itemName)
          Retrieve the open type for an item name
 OpenType ArrayType.getElementOpenType()
          Get the open type of the array elements

Constructors in javax.management.openmbean with parameters of type OpenType
OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport(String name, String description, OpenType openType)
          Contruct an OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport
OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport(String name, String description, OpenType openType, Object defaultValue)
          Contruct an OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport
OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport(String name, String description, OpenType openType, Object defaultValue, Object[] legalValues)
          Contruct an OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport
OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport(String name, String description, OpenType openType, Object defaultValue, Comparable minValue, Comparable maxValue)
          Contruct an OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport
OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport(String name, String description, OpenMBeanParameterInfo[] signature, OpenType returnOpenType, int impact)
          Contruct an OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport
OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport(String name, String description, OpenType openType, boolean isReadable, boolean isWritable, boolean isIs)
          Contruct an OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport
OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport(String name, String description, OpenType openType, boolean isReadable, boolean isWritable, boolean isIs, Object defaultValue)
          Contruct an OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport
OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport(String name, String description, OpenType openType, boolean isReadable, boolean isWritable, boolean isIs, Object defaultValue, Object[] legalValues)
          Contruct an OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport
OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport(String name, String description, OpenType openType, boolean isReadable, boolean isWritable, boolean isIs, Object defaultValue, Comparable minValue, Comparable maxValue)
          Contruct an OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport
CompositeType(String typeName, String description, String[] itemNames, String[] itemDescriptions, OpenType[] itemTypes)
          Construct a composite type.
ArrayType(int dimension, OpenType elementType)
          Construct an ArrayType.

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