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Uses of Interface javax.management.modelmbean.ModelMBeanInfo (JBoss/JMX API) - JBoss 3.2.7 jmx API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ModelMBeanInfo

Uses of ModelMBeanInfo in javax.management.modelmbean

Classes in javax.management.modelmbean that implement ModelMBeanInfo
 class ModelMBeanInfoSupport
          Support class for ModelMBeanInfo interface.

Methods in javax.management.modelmbean with parameters of type ModelMBeanInfo
 void RequiredModelMBean.setModelMBeanInfo(ModelMBeanInfo info)
 void ModelMBean.setModelMBeanInfo(ModelMBeanInfo inModelMBeanInfo)

Constructors in javax.management.modelmbean with parameters of type ModelMBeanInfo
RequiredModelMBean(ModelMBeanInfo info)
ModelMBeanInfoSupport(ModelMBeanInfo mbi)
          Copy constructor for Model MBean info.

Uses of ModelMBeanInfo in org.jboss.mx.metadata

Methods in org.jboss.mx.metadata that return ModelMBeanInfo
protected  ModelMBeanInfo XMBeanMetaData.buildMBeanMetaData(String description, List constructors, List operations, List attributes, List notifications, Descriptor descr)
          Parses the elements under the root and turns them into a Model MBean info instance.
protected  ModelMBeanInfo JBossXMBean10.buildMBeanMetaData(String description, List constructors, List operations, List attributes, List notifications, Descriptor descr)

Methods in org.jboss.mx.metadata with parameters of type ModelMBeanInfo
static ModelMBeanInfoSupport MBeanInfoConversion.stripAttributeOperations(ModelMBeanInfo info, boolean stripAllRoles)
          Returns a ModelMBeanInfoSupport where ModelMBeanOperationInfos that are referred to by ModelMBeanAttributeInfo getMethod or setMethod descriptor fields are stripped out.

Uses of ModelMBeanInfo in org.jboss.mx.modelmbean

Methods in org.jboss.mx.modelmbean with parameters of type ModelMBeanInfo
protected  void XMBean.configureInterceptorStack(ModelMBeanInfo info, MBeanServer server, ObjectName name)
static ModelMBean RequiredModelMBeanInstantiator.instantiate(ModelMBeanInfo info)
 void ModelMBeanInvoker.setModelMBeanInfo(ModelMBeanInfo info)
          Sets the MBean metadata for this Model MBean instance.
protected  void ModelMBeanInvoker.configureInterceptorStack(ModelMBeanInfo info, MBeanServer server, ObjectName name)
          Build the getMBeanInfo, operation, and attribute interceptor stacks and associated these with the corresponding InvocationContexts.

Constructors in org.jboss.mx.modelmbean with parameters of type ModelMBeanInfo
XMBean(ModelMBeanInfo info)
          Creates an XMBean Model MBean implementation with a predefined JMX metadata.
ModelMBeanInvoker(ModelMBeanInfo info)
          Creates a Model MBean instance and initializes it with the given Model MBean metadata.

Uses of ModelMBeanInfo in org.jboss.mx.persistence

Methods in org.jboss.mx.persistence with parameters of type ModelMBeanInfo
protected  void ObjectStreamPersistenceManager.loadFromMetadata(ModelMBeanInvoker mbean, ModelMBeanInfo metadata)
          Obtain the attribute values from the metadata and invoke setAttributes on the mbean invoker.

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