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Uses of Class javax.management.modelmbean.ModelMBeanAttributeInfo (JBoss/JMX API) - JBoss 3.2.7 jmx API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use ModelMBeanAttributeInfo

Uses of ModelMBeanAttributeInfo in javax.management.modelmbean

Methods in javax.management.modelmbean that return ModelMBeanAttributeInfo
 ModelMBeanAttributeInfo ModelMBeanInfoSupport.getAttribute(String inName)
 ModelMBeanAttributeInfo ModelMBeanInfo.getAttribute(String inName)

Constructors in javax.management.modelmbean with parameters of type ModelMBeanAttributeInfo
ModelMBeanInfoSupport(String className, String description, ModelMBeanAttributeInfo[] attributes, ModelMBeanConstructorInfo[] constructors, ModelMBeanOperationInfo[] operations, ModelMBeanNotificationInfo[] notifications)
          Creates an instance of Model MBean info implementation based on the given values.
ModelMBeanInfoSupport(String className, String description, ModelMBeanAttributeInfo[] attributes, ModelMBeanConstructorInfo[] constructors, ModelMBeanOperationInfo[] operations, ModelMBeanNotificationInfo[] notifications, Descriptor mbeandescriptor)
          Creates an instance of Model MBean info implementation based on the given values and descriptor.
ModelMBeanAttributeInfo(ModelMBeanAttributeInfo info)
          Copy constructor.

Uses of ModelMBeanAttributeInfo in org.jboss.mx.metadata

Methods in org.jboss.mx.metadata that return ModelMBeanAttributeInfo
protected  ModelMBeanAttributeInfo[] XMBeanMetaData.buildAttributeInfo(List attributes)
          Parses the contents of an <attribute> element.
protected  ModelMBeanAttributeInfo[] JBossXMBean10.buildAttributeInfo(List attributes)

Methods in org.jboss.mx.metadata with parameters of type ModelMBeanAttributeInfo
 Method MethodMapper.lookupGetter(ModelMBeanAttributeInfo info)
          Return a method matching the getter signature expected for a ModelMBean attribute.
 Method MethodMapper.lookupSetter(ModelMBeanAttributeInfo info)
          Return a method matching the setter signature expected for a ModelMBean attribute
static String MethodMapper.getterSignature(ModelMBeanAttributeInfo info)
          Generates a getter signature string for a ModelMBean attribute by checking the descriptor for getMethod.
static String MethodMapper.setterSignature(ModelMBeanAttributeInfo info)
          Generates a setter signature string for a ModelMBean attribute by checking the descriptor for setMethod.

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