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Uses of Class javax.management.IntrospectionException (JBoss/JMX API) - JBoss 3.2.7 jmx API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use IntrospectionException

Uses of IntrospectionException in javax.management

Methods in javax.management that throw IntrospectionException
 MBeanInfo MBeanServerConnection.getMBeanInfo(ObjectName name)
          Retrieves the jmx metadata for an mbean
 MBeanInfo MBeanServer.getMBeanInfo(ObjectName name)
          Retrieves the jmx metadata for an mbean

Constructors in javax.management that throw IntrospectionException
MBeanAttributeInfo(String name, String description, Method getter, Method setter)
          Creates an MBean attribute info object using the given accessor methods.

Uses of IntrospectionException in javax.management.modelmbean

Constructors in javax.management.modelmbean that throw IntrospectionException
ModelMBeanAttributeInfo(String name, String description, Method getter, Method setter)
          Creates a new attribute info with a default descriptor.
ModelMBeanAttributeInfo(String name, String description, Method getter, Method setter, Descriptor descriptor)
          Creates a new attribute info object.

Uses of IntrospectionException in org.jboss.mx.capability

Methods in org.jboss.mx.capability that throw IntrospectionException
static DynamicMBean DispatcherFactory.create(MBeanInfo info, Object resource)
          Creates a Dispatcher for an arbitrary resource.
static DynamicMBean DispatcherFactory.create(MBeanInfo info, Object resource, AttributeOperationResolver resolver)
          Creates a dispatcher for an arbitrary resource using the named AttributeOperationResolver.

Uses of IntrospectionException in org.jboss.mx.server

Methods in org.jboss.mx.server that throw IntrospectionException
 MBeanInfo MBeanServerImpl.getMBeanInfo(ObjectName name)

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