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org.jboss.net.axis.server (JBoss.Net API) - JBoss 3.2.7 .net API Documentation 英文版文档

Package org.jboss.net.axis.server

contains code to run axis as a deployer within jboss


Interface Summary
AxisServiceMBean MBean interface.
Constants Some Constants for the server package

Class Summary
AxisAdminServlet slightly patched admin servlet to contact the right server
AxisService A deployer service that installs Axis and manages Web-Services within the Jboss JMX environment.
AxisServiceServlet An AxisServlet that is able to extract the corresponding AxisEngine from its installation context and builds the right message contexts for the JBoss classloading and deployment architecture.
EJBHomeProvider A JBoss-compatible Provider that exposes the methods of a bean沤s home, such as a stateless session bean or an entity bean.
EJBProvider A JBoss-compatible EJB Provider that exposes the methods of any session bean as a web service endpoint.
EJBProvider.EJBServiceLifeCycle This is the lifecycle object that is registered in the message scope and that shields the proper bean reference
EntityBeanDeserializer Server-side deserializer hitting an existing entity bean.
EntityBeanDeserializerFactory Factory for server-side Entity Bean Deserialization.
FlashAxisServiceServlet A AxisServlet that allows the Flash player/plugin to interact with the Axis SOAP engine despite the inability to generate the SOAPAction HTTP header.
FlashNamespaceHandler This class implements the Apache Axis Handler interface.
JAFConfigService A pojo service which can be used to populate the JAF MailcapCommandMap
JBossAuthenticationHandler AuthenticationHandler that interacts with a given JBoss autentication manager via default simple principals and passchars from the HTTP Basic Authentication.
JBossAuthorizationHandler AuthorizationHandler that checks allowed and denied roles against the active subject using a given realmMapping.
JMXEngineConfigurationFactory A configuration factory that accesses axis server engines via JMX attribute access.
SerialisationResponseHandler This handler is to force serialisation inside transaction and security boundaries.
TransactionRequestHandler This handler is to create an artifical "client"-side transaction around the web-service request.
TransactionResponseHandler This handler is to finish a previously opened client-side transaction.
WsdlAwareHttpActionHandler This HttpActionHandler will influence the wsdl-generation of action aware service providers, such as EJBProvider.

Package org.jboss.net.axis.server Description

contains code to run axis as a deployer within jboss

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