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org.apache.axis.types (JAXRPC API) - JBoss 3.2.7 jaxrpc API Documentation 英文版文档

Package org.apache.axis.types

Class Summary
Day Implementation of the XML Schema type gDay
Duration Implementation of the XML Schema type duration
Entities Custom class for supporting XSD data type Entities
Entity Custom class for supporting XSD data type Entity
HexBinary Custom class for supporting primitive XSD data type hexBinary.
Id Custom class for supporting XSD data type ID The base type of Id is NCName.
IDRef Custom class for supporting XSD data type IDRef
IDRefs Custom class for supporting XSD data type IDRefs
Language Custom class for supporting XSD data type language language represents natural language identifiers as defined by [RFC 1766].
Month Implementation of the XML Schema type gMonth
MonthDay Implementation of the XML Schema type gMonthDay
Name Custom class for supporting XSD data type Name Name represents XML Names.
NCName Custom class for supporting XSD data type NCName NCName represents XML "non-colonized" Names The base type of NCName is Name.
NegativeInteger Custom class for supporting primitive XSD data type negativeinteger

negativeInteger is derived from nonPositiveInteger by setting the value of maxInclusive to be -1.

NMToken Custom class for supporting XSD data type NMToken

NMTOKEN represents the NMTOKEN attribute type from [XML 1.0(Second Edition)].

NMTokens Custom class for supporting XSD data type NMTokens
NonNegativeInteger Custom class for supporting primitive XSD data type nonNegativeInteger
NonPositiveInteger Custom class for supporting primitive XSD data type nonPositiveInteger

nonPositiveInteger is derived from integer by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 0.

NormalizedString Custom class for supporting XSD data type NormalizedString.
Notation Custom class for supporting XSD data type NOTATION.
PositiveInteger Custom class for supporting primitive XSD data type positiveInteger

positiveInteger is derived from nonNegativeInteger by setting the value of minInclusive to be 1.

Schema Custom class for supporting XSD schema
Time Class that represents the xsd:time XML Schema type
Token Custom class for supporting primitive XSD data type Token.
UnsignedByte Custom class for supporting primitive XSD data type UnsignedByte
UnsignedInt Custom class for supporting primitive XSD data type UnsignedInt
UnsignedLong Custom class for supporting primitive XSD data type UnsignedLong
UnsignedShort Custom class for supporting primitive XSD data type UnsignedShort
URI ******************************************************************* Axis Note: This class was 'borrowed' from Xerces 2.0.2

A class to represent a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).

Year Implementation of the XML Schema type gYear
YearMonth Implementation of the XML Schema type gYearMonth

Exception Summary
URI.MalformedURIException **************************************************************** MalformedURIExceptions are thrown in the process of building a URI or setting fields on a URI when an operation would result in an invalid URI specification.

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