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Uses of Interface org.apache.axis.encoding.TypeMapping (JAXRPC API) - JBoss 3.2.7 jaxrpc API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TypeMapping

Uses of TypeMapping in org.apache.axis

Methods in org.apache.axis that return TypeMapping
 TypeMapping MessageContext.getTypeMapping()
          Return the type mapping currently in scope for our encoding style

Uses of TypeMapping in org.apache.axis.client

Methods in org.apache.axis.client that return TypeMapping
 TypeMapping Call.getTypeMapping()

Uses of TypeMapping in org.apache.axis.configuration

Methods in org.apache.axis.configuration that return TypeMapping
 TypeMapping SimpleProvider.getTypeMapping(String encodingStyle)
 TypeMapping NullProvider.getTypeMapping(String encodingStyle)

Uses of TypeMapping in org.apache.axis.deployment.wsdd

Methods in org.apache.axis.deployment.wsdd that return TypeMapping
 TypeMapping WSDDService.getTypeMapping(String encodingStyle)
 TypeMapping WSDDDeployment.getTypeMapping(String encodingStyle)

Uses of TypeMapping in org.apache.axis.description

Methods in org.apache.axis.description that return TypeMapping
 TypeMapping ServiceDesc.getTypeMapping()

Methods in org.apache.axis.description with parameters of type TypeMapping
 void ServiceDesc.setTypeMapping(TypeMapping tm)
 void ServiceDesc.loadServiceDescByIntrospection(Class cls, TypeMapping tm)
          Fill in a service description by introspecting the implementation class.

Uses of TypeMapping in org.apache.axis.encoding

Classes in org.apache.axis.encoding that implement TypeMapping
 class DefaultSOAP12TypeMappingImpl
          Deprecated. Please use DefaultSOAPEncodingTypeMappingImpl.java
 class DefaultSOAPEncodingTypeMappingImpl
 class DefaultTypeMappingImpl
          This is the implementation of the axis Default TypeMapping (which extends the JAX-RPC TypeMapping interface) for SOAP 1.1.
 class TypeMappingImpl

This is the implementation of the axis TypeMapping interface (which extends the JAX-RPC TypeMapping interface).


Fields in org.apache.axis.encoding declared as TypeMapping
protected  TypeMapping TypeMappingImpl.delegate

Methods in org.apache.axis.encoding that return TypeMapping
 TypeMapping TypeMappingRegistryImpl.getOrMakeTypeMapping(String encodingStyle)
          Obtain a type mapping for the given encodingStyle.
 TypeMapping TypeMappingRegistry.getOrMakeTypeMapping(String encodingStyle)
          Obtain a type mapping for the given encoding style.
 TypeMapping TypeMappingImpl.getDelegate()
          getDelegate gets the new Delegate TypeMapping
 TypeMapping TypeMapping.getDelegate()
          getDelegate gets the new Delegate TypeMapping
 TypeMapping SerializationContextImpl.getTypeMapping()
          Get the TypeMapping we're using.
 TypeMapping SerializationContext.getTypeMapping()
          Get the TypeMapping we're using.
 TypeMapping DeserializationContextImpl.getTypeMapping()
          Get the TypeMapping for this DeserializationContext
 TypeMapping DeserializationContext.getTypeMapping()
          Get the TypeMapping for this DeserializationContext
static TypeMapping DefaultTypeMappingImpl.getSingleton()
          Obtain the singleton default typemapping.
static TypeMapping DefaultSOAPEncodingTypeMappingImpl.create()
          Construct TypeMapping

Methods in org.apache.axis.encoding with parameters of type TypeMapping
 void TypeMappingImpl.setDelegate(TypeMapping delegate)
          setDelegate sets the new Delegate TypeMapping
 void TypeMapping.setDelegate(TypeMapping delegate)
          setDelegate sets the new Delegate TypeMapping

Constructors in org.apache.axis.encoding with parameters of type TypeMapping
TypeMappingImpl(TypeMapping delegate)
          Construct TypeMapping

Uses of TypeMapping in org.apache.axis.schema

Methods in org.apache.axis.schema with parameters of type TypeMapping
 void SchemaVersion2001.registerSchemaSpecificTypes(TypeMapping tm)
          Register the schema specific type mappings
 void SchemaVersion2000.registerSchemaSpecificTypes(TypeMapping tm)
          Register the schema specific type mappings
 void SchemaVersion1999.registerSchemaSpecificTypes(TypeMapping tm)
          Register the schema specific type mappings
 void SchemaVersion.registerSchemaSpecificTypes(TypeMapping tm)
          Register the schema specific type mappings

Uses of TypeMapping in org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava

Fields in org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava declared as TypeMapping
protected static TypeMapping Emitter.standardTypes

Methods in org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava that return TypeMapping
 TypeMapping Emitter.getTypeMapping()
          Returns the TypeMapping used by the service
 TypeMapping Emitter.getDefaultTypeMapping()
          Returns the default TypeMapping used by the service

Methods in org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava with parameters of type TypeMapping
 void Emitter.setTypeMapping(TypeMapping tm)
          Sets the TypeMapping used by the service
 void Emitter.setDefaultTypeMapping(TypeMapping defaultTM)
          Sets the default TypeMapping used by the service

Constructors in org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava with parameters of type TypeMapping
Types(javax.wsdl.Definition def, TypeMapping tm, TypeMapping defaultTM, Namespaces namespaces, String targetNamespace, List stopClasses, ServiceDesc serviceDesc)
          This class serailizes a Class to XML Schema.

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