Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis |
Subclasses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis | |
class |
Methods in org.apache.axis that return AxisFault | |
static AxisFault |
AxisFault.makeFault(Exception e)
Make an AxisFault based on a passed Exception. |
Methods in org.apache.axis that throw AxisFault | |
void |
SimpleChain.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
Iterate over the chain invoking each handler. |
void |
SimpleChain.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
Iterate over the chain letting each handler have a crack at contributing to a WSDL description. |
byte[] |
Get the contents of this Part (not the headers!), as a byte array. |
String |
Get the contents of this Part (not the headers!), as a String. |
SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl |
Get the contents of this Part (not the MIME headers!), as a SOAPEnvelope. |
OperationDesc[] |
MessageContext.getPossibleOperationsByQName(javax.xml.namespace.QName qname)
getPossibleOperationsByQName Returns a list of operation descriptors that could may possibly match a body containing an element of the given QName. |
OperationDesc |
MessageContext.getOperationByQName(javax.xml.namespace.QName qname)
get the first possible operation that could match a body containing an element of the given QName. |
void |
MessageContext.setTargetService(String tServ)
Set the target service for this message. |
void |
MessageContext.setService(SOAPService sh)
String |
Get a string representation of this message's SOAPPart. |
byte[] |
Get a byte array representation of this message's SOAPPart. |
SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl |
Get this message's SOAPPart as a SOAPEnvelope. |
String |
Message.getContentType(SOAPConstants sc)
Get the content type of the attachments. |
long |
Get the content length, including both soap and any attachments. |
void |
HandlerIterationStrategy.visit(Handler handler,
MessageContext msgContext)
void |
Handler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
Invoke is called to do the actual work of the Handler object. |
void |
Handler.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
Obtain WSDL information. |
void |
FaultableHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
Invokes the specified handler. |
Handler |
AxisEngine.getHandler(String name)
SOAPService |
AxisEngine.getService(String name)
Handler |
AxisEngine.getTransport(String name)
Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.attachments |
Methods in org.apache.axis.attachments that throw AxisFault | |
Part |
MultiPartRelatedInputStream.getAttachmentByReference(String[] id)
Method getAttachmentByReference |
protected void |
Method readAll |
Collection |
Method getAttachments |
protected Part |
MultiPartRelatedInputStream.readTillFound(String[] id)
This will read streams in till the one that is needed is found. |
abstract Part |
MultiPartInputStream.getAttachmentByReference(String[] id)
abstract Collection |
Part |
MultiPartDimeInputStream.getAttachmentByReference(String[] id)
protected void |
Collection |
static javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart |
MimeUtils.createMP(String env,
Collection parts)
This routine will create a multipart object from the parts and the SOAP content. |
Part |
AttachmentsImpl.removeAttachmentPart(String reference)
This method uses getAttacmentByReference() to look for attachment. |
Part |
AttachmentsImpl.addAttachmentPart(Part newPart)
Adds an existing attachment to this list. |
Part |
AttachmentsImpl.createAttachmentPart(Object datahandler)
void |
AttachmentsImpl.setAttachmentParts(Collection parts)
Add the collection of parts. |
Part |
AttachmentsImpl.getAttachmentByReference(String reference)
This method should look at a refernce and determine if it is a CID: or url to look for attachment. |
Collection |
This method will return all attachments as a collection. |
long |
Get the content length of the stream. |
protected DimeMultiPart |
Creates the DIME message |
void |
AttachmentsImpl.writeContentToStream(OutputStream os)
Write the content to the stream. |
String |
Gets the content type for the whole stream. |
Part |
Create a new attachment Part in this Message. |
Part |
Attachments.addAttachmentPart(Part newPart)
Adds an existing attachment to this list. |
Part |
Attachments.removeAttachmentPart(String reference)
This method uses getAttacmentByReference() to look for attachment. |
Part |
Attachments.getAttachmentByReference(String reference)
This method should look at a refernce and determine if it is a CID: or url * to look for attachment. |
Collection |
This method will return all attachments as a collection. |
Part |
Attachments.createAttachmentPart(Object part)
Create a new attachment Part in this Message. |
Part |
Create a new attachment Part in this Message. |
void |
Attachments.setAttachmentParts(Collection parts)
Will the attachments of this message to that of the colleciton. |
long |
Get the content length of the stream. |
void |
Attachments.writeContentToStream(OutputStream os)
Write the content to the stream. |
String |
Write the content to the stream. |
static javax.activation.DataHandler |
AttachmentUtils.getActivationDataHandler(Part part)
Obtain the DataHandler from the part. |
Constructors in org.apache.axis.attachments that throw AxisFault | |
MultiPartRelatedInputStream(String contentType,
InputStream stream)
Multipart stream. |
AttachmentsImpl(Object intialContents,
String contentType,
String contentLocation)
Construct one of these on a parent Message. |
Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.client |
Methods in org.apache.axis.client that throw AxisFault | |
void |
Transport.setupMessageContext(MessageContext context,
Call message,
AxisEngine engine)
void |
Transport.setupMessageContextImpl(MessageContext context,
Call message,
AxisEngine engine)
protected void |
Stub.setRequestHeaders(Call call)
protected void |
Stub.setAttachments(Call call)
protected void |
Stub.getResponseHeaders(Call call)
Deprecated. This method has been changed to a no-op but remains in the code to keep compatibility with pre-1.1 generated stubs. |
Object |
Call.invoke(String namespace,
String method,
Object[] args)
Invoke an RPC service with a method name and arguments. |
Object |
Call.invoke(String method,
Object[] args)
Convenience method to invoke a method with a default (empty) namespace. |
Object |
Call.invoke(RPCElement body)
Invoke an RPC service with a pre-constructed RPCElement. |
void |
Invoke this Call with its established MessageContext (perhaps because you called this.setRequestMessage()) Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification. |
void |
AxisClient.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
Main routine of the AXIS engine. |
Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.handlers |
Methods in org.apache.axis.handlers that throw AxisFault | |
void |
SimpleSessionHandler.invoke(MessageContext context)
Process a MessageContext. |
void |
SimpleSessionHandler.doClient(MessageContext context)
Client side of processing. |
void |
SimpleSessionHandler.doServer(MessageContext context)
Server side of processing. |
void |
SimpleAuthorizationHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
Authorize the user and targetService from the msgContext |
void |
SimpleAuthenticationHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
Authenticate the user and password from the msgContext |
void |
SOAPMonitorHandler.invoke(MessageContext messageContext)
Process and SOAP message |
void |
MD5AttachHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
void |
LogHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
void |
JAXRPCHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
void |
ErrorHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
void |
EchoHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
void |
EchoHandler.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
void |
DebugHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
abstract void |
BasicHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
Must implement this in subclasses. |
void |
BasicHandler.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.handlers.http |
Methods in org.apache.axis.handlers.http that throw AxisFault | |
void |
URLMapper.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
void |
URLMapper.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
void |
HTTPAuthHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
void |
HTTPActionHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.handlers.soap |
Methods in org.apache.axis.handlers.soap that throw AxisFault | |
ServiceDesc |
SOAPService.getInitializedServiceDesc(MessageContext msgContext)
Returns a service description with the implementation class filled in. |
void |
SOAPService.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
Generate WSDL. |
void |
SOAPService.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.message |
Fields in org.apache.axis.message declared as AxisFault | |
protected AxisFault |
Methods in org.apache.axis.message that return AxisFault | |
AxisFault |
Methods in org.apache.axis.message with parameters of type AxisFault | |
void |
SOAPFaultImpl.setFault(AxisFault fault)
Methods in org.apache.axis.message that throw AxisFault | |
SOAPElementAxisImpl |
SOAPHandler.makeNewElement(String namespace,
String localName,
String prefix,
Attributes attributes,
DeserializationContext context)
Vector |
Get all the BodyElement's in the soap body |
SOAPBodyElementAxisImpl |
Get the first BodyElement in the SOAP Body |
Vector |
Get Headers |
SOAPHeaderElementAxisImpl |
SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl.getHeaderByName(String namespace,
String localPart)
Get a header by name (always respecting the currently in-scope actors list) |
SOAPHeaderElementAxisImpl |
SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl.getHeaderByName(String namespace,
String localPart,
boolean accessAllHeaders)
Get a header by name, filtering for headers targeted at this engine depending on the accessAllHeaders parameter. |
SOAPBodyElementAxisImpl |
SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl.getBodyByName(String namespace,
String localPart)
Get a body element given its name |
Enumeration |
SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl.getHeadersByName(String namespace,
String localPart)
Get an enumeration of header elements given the namespace and localpart |
Enumeration |
SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl.getHeadersByName(String namespace,
String localPart,
boolean accessAllHeaders)
Return an Enumeration of headers which match the given namespace and localPart. |
SOAPElementAxisImpl |
RPCElementHandler.makeNewElement(String namespace,
String localName,
String prefix,
Attributes attributes,
DeserializationContext context)
SOAPElementAxisImpl |
BodyBuilder.makeNewElement(String namespace,
String localName,
String prefix,
Attributes attributes,
DeserializationContext context)
Constructors in org.apache.axis.message with parameters of type AxisFault | |
SOAPFaultImpl(AxisFault fault)
DetailImpl(AxisFault fault)
Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.providers |
Methods in org.apache.axis.providers that throw AxisFault | |
abstract void |
BasicProvider.initServiceDesc(SOAPService service,
MessageContext msgContext)
This method returns a ServiceDesc that contains the correct implimentation class. |
void |
BasicProvider.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
Generate the WSDL for this service. |
Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.providers.java |
Methods in org.apache.axis.providers.java that throw AxisFault | |
void |
JavaProvider.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
Invoke the message by obtaining various common fields, looking up the service object (via getServiceObject), and actually processing the message (via processMessage). |
protected void |
JavaProvider.processException(Exception ex)
Externalize exception handling |
void |
JavaProvider.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
Generate the WSDL for this service. |
protected Class |
JavaProvider.getServiceClass(String clsName,
SOAPService service,
MessageContext msgContext)
Returns the Class info about the service class. |
void |
JavaProvider.initServiceDesc(SOAPService service,
MessageContext msgContext)
Fill in a service description with the correct impl class and typemapping set. |
protected Class |
EJBProvider.getServiceClass(String beanJndiName,
SOAPService service,
MessageContext msgContext)
Get the class description for the EJB Remote or Local Interface, which is what we are interested in exposing to the world (i.e. |
protected InitialContext |
EJBProvider.getContext(Properties properties)
protected Object |
EJBProvider.getEJBHome(InitialContext context,
String beanJndiName)
Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.server |
Methods in org.apache.axis.server that throw AxisFault | |
AxisServer |
JNDIAxisServerFactory.getServer(Map environment)
Obtain an AxisServer reference, using JNDI if possible, otherwise creating one using the standard Axis configuration pattern. |
AxisServer |
DefaultAxisServerFactory.getServer(Map environment)
Get an AxisServer. |
AxisServer |
AxisServerFactory.getServer(Map environment)
static AxisServer |
AxisServer.getServer(Map environment)
void |
AxisServer.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
Main routine of the AXIS server. |
void |
AxisServer.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.soap |
Methods in org.apache.axis.soap with parameters of type AxisFault | |
protected void |
SOAPConnectionImpl.processAxisFault(AxisFault fault)
routine called whenever an axis fault is caught; where they are logged and any other business. |
Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.strategies |
Methods in org.apache.axis.strategies that throw AxisFault | |
void |
WSDLGenStrategy.visit(Handler handler,
MessageContext msgContext)
void |
InvocationStrategy.visit(Handler handler,
MessageContext msgContext)
Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.transport.http |
Methods in org.apache.axis.transport.http with parameters of type AxisFault | |
protected void |
AxisServlet.processAxisFault(AxisFault fault)
routine called whenever an axis fault is caught; where they are logged and any other business. |
protected void |
AxisServlet.reportNoWSDL(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res,
PrintWriter writer,
String moreDetailCode,
AxisFault axisFault)
report that we have no WSDL |
protected int |
AxisServlet.getHttpServletResponseStatus(AxisFault af)
Extract information from AxisFault and map it to a HTTP Status code. |
Methods in org.apache.axis.transport.http that throw AxisFault | |
void |
HTTPTransport.setupMessageContextImpl(MessageContext mc,
Call call,
AxisEngine engine)
Set up any transport-specific derived properties in the message context. |
void |
HTTPSender.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
invoke creates a socket connection, sends the request SOAP message and then reads the response SOAP message back from the SOAP server |
AxisServer |
get the engine for this servlet from cache or context |
static AxisServer |
AxisServletBase.getEngine(javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet servlet)
This is a uniform method of initializing AxisServer in a servlet context. |
protected void |
AxisServlet.processMethodRequest(MessageContext msgContext,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response,
PrintWriter writer)
scan through the request for parameters, invoking the endpoint if we get a method param. |
protected void |
AxisServlet.processWsdlRequest(MessageContext msgContext,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response,
PrintWriter writer)
handle a ?wsdl request |
protected void |
AxisServlet.invokeEndpointFromGet(MessageContext msgContext,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response,
PrintWriter writer,
String method,
String args)
invoke an endpoint from a get request by building an XML request and handing it down. |
protected void |
AxisServlet.processListRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response,
PrintWriter writer)
respond to the ?list command. |
protected void |
AxisServlet.reportAvailableServices(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response,
PrintWriter writer,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
This method lists the available services; it is called when there is nothing to execute on a GET |
Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.transport.java |
Methods in org.apache.axis.transport.java that throw AxisFault | |
void |
JavaSender.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.transport.jms |
Methods in org.apache.axis.transport.jms that throw AxisFault | |
void |
JMSTransport.setupMessageContextImpl(MessageContext context,
Call message,
AxisEngine engine)
Set up any transport-specific derived properties in the message context. |
void |
JMSSender.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
invoke() creates an endpoint, sends the request SOAP message, and then either reads the response SOAP message or simply returns. |
Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.transport.local |
Methods in org.apache.axis.transport.local that throw AxisFault | |
void |
LocalSender.invoke(MessageContext clientContext)
void |
LocalResponder.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.utils |
Methods in org.apache.axis.utils that throw AxisFault | |
static Document |
Admin.listConfig(AxisEngine engine)
Get an XML document representing this engine's configuration. |
Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava |
Methods in org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava that throw AxisFault | |
javax.xml.namespace.QName |
Types.writeTypeForPart(Class type,
javax.xml.namespace.QName qname)
Write out a type referenced by a part type attribute. |
javax.xml.namespace.QName |
Types.writeElementForPart(Class type,
javax.xml.namespace.QName qname)
Write out an element referenced by a part element attribute. |
Element |
Types.writeWrapperElement(javax.xml.namespace.QName qname,
boolean request,
boolean hasParams)
Write the element definition for a WRAPPED operation. |
void |
Types.writeWrappedParameter(Element sequence,
String name,
javax.xml.namespace.QName type,
Class javaType)
Write a parameter (a sub-element) into a sequence generated by writeWrapperElement() above. |
void |
Types.writeSchemaElement(javax.xml.namespace.QName qName,
Element element)
Write out the given Element into the appropriate schema node. |
String |
Types.writeType(Class type)
Write a schema representation for the given Class . |
String |
Types.writeType(Class type,
javax.xml.namespace.QName qName)
Write a schema representation for the given Class . |
Element |
Types.writeEnumType(javax.xml.namespace.QName qName,
Class cls)
Write Enumeration Complex Type (Only supports enumeration classes of string types) |
Element |
Types.createElementDecl(String name,
Class javaType,
javax.xml.namespace.QName typeQName,
boolean nillable,
boolean omittable)
Create Element |
Element |
Types.createAttributeElement(String elementName,
Class javaType,
javax.xml.namespace.QName xmlType,
boolean nullable,
Document docHolder)
Create Attribute Element with a given name and type |
Element |
Types.createElementWithAnonymousType(String elementName,
Class fieldType,
boolean omittable,
Document ownerDocument)
Write an <element> with an anonymous internal ComplexType |
protected void |
Emitter.writePortType(javax.wsdl.Definition def,
javax.wsdl.Binding binding)
Create a PortType |
protected void |
Emitter.writeMessages(javax.wsdl.Definition def,
javax.wsdl.Operation oper,
OperationDesc desc,
javax.wsdl.BindingOperation bindingOper)
Create a Message |
protected javax.wsdl.Message |
Emitter.writeRequestMessage(javax.wsdl.Definition def,
OperationDesc oper)
Create a Request Message |
void |
Emitter.writeWrapperPart(javax.wsdl.Definition def,
javax.wsdl.Message msg,
OperationDesc oper,
boolean request)
Write out the schema definition for a WRAPPED operation request or response. |
protected javax.wsdl.Message |
Emitter.writeResponseMessage(javax.wsdl.Definition def,
OperationDesc desc)
Create a Response Message |
protected javax.wsdl.Message |
Emitter.writeFaultMessage(javax.wsdl.Definition def,
FaultDesc exception)
Create a Fault Message |
String |
Emitter.writePartToMessage(javax.wsdl.Definition def,
javax.wsdl.Message msg,
boolean request,
ParameterDesc param)
Create a Part |