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javax.xml.rpc.encoding (JBoss J2EE API) - JBoss 3.2.7 j2ee API Documentation 英文版文档

Package javax.xml.rpc.encoding

Interface Summary
DeserializationContext A deserializer uses this interface to access and maintain context information during the deserialization.
Deserializer A base interface for deserializers.
DeserializerFactory A factory of deserializers.
SerializationContext This interface is implemented by the JAX-RPC runtime system in an XML processing mechanism specific manner.
Serializer This interface defines the base interface for serializers.
SerializerFactory This is a factory of the serializers.
TypeMapping This is the base interface for the representation of a type mapping.
TypeMappingRegistry This defines a registry of TypeMapping instances for encoding styles.

Class Summary
XMLType Constants for common XML Schema and SOAP 1.1 types.

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