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Uses of Class javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException (JBoss J2EE API) - JBoss 3.2.7 j2ee API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use ServiceException

Uses of ServiceException in javax.xml.rpc

Methods in javax.xml.rpc that throw ServiceException
static ServiceFactory ServiceFactory.newInstance()
          Gets an instance of the ServiceFactory Only one copy of a factory exists and is returned to the application each time this method is called.
abstract  Service ServiceFactory.loadService(Class serviceInterface)
          Create an instance of the generated service implementation class for a given service interface, if available.
abstract  Service ServiceFactory.loadService(URL wsdlDocumentLocation, Class serviceInterface, Properties props)
          Create an instance of the generated service implementation class for a given service interface, if available.
abstract  Service ServiceFactory.loadService(URL wsdlDocumentLocation, javax.xml.namespace.QName serviceName, Properties props)
          Create an instance of the generated service implementation class for a given service, if available.
abstract  Service ServiceFactory.createService(javax.xml.namespace.QName serviceName)
          Create a Service instance.
abstract  Service ServiceFactory.createService(URL wsdlDocumentLocation, javax.xml.namespace.QName serviceName)
          Create a Service instance.
 Iterator Service.getPorts()
          Returns an Iterator for the list of QNames of service endpoints grouped by this service
 Call Service.createCall()
          Creates a Call object not associated with specific operation or target service endpoint.
 Remote Service.getPort(Class seiClass)
          The getPort method returns either an instance of a generated stub implementation class or a dynamic proxy.
 Call Service.createCall(javax.xml.namespace.QName portName)
          Creates a Call instance.
 Call[] Service.getCalls(javax.xml.namespace.QName portName)
          Gets an array of preconfigured Call objects for invoking operations on the specified port.
 Remote Service.getPort(javax.xml.namespace.QName portName, Class seiClass)
          The getPort method returns either an instance of a generated stub implementation class or a dynamic proxy.
 Call Service.createCall(javax.xml.namespace.QName portName, String operationName)
          Creates a Call instance.
 Call Service.createCall(javax.xml.namespace.QName portName, javax.xml.namespace.QName operationName)
          Creates a Call instance.

Uses of ServiceException in javax.xml.rpc.server

Methods in javax.xml.rpc.server that throw ServiceException
 void ServiceLifecycle.init(Object context)

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