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Uses of Class javax.transaction.SystemException (JBoss J2EE API) - JBoss 3.2.7 j2ee API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use SystemException

Uses of SystemException in javax.transaction

Methods in javax.transaction that throw SystemException
 void UserTransaction.begin()
          Starts a new transaction, and associate it with the calling thread.
 void UserTransaction.commit()
          Commit the transaction associated with the calling thread.
 void UserTransaction.rollback()
          Rolls back the transaction associated with the calling thread.
 void UserTransaction.setRollbackOnly()
          Mark the transaction associated with the calling thread for rollback only.
 int UserTransaction.getStatus()
          Get the status of the transaction associated with the calling thread.
 void UserTransaction.setTransactionTimeout(int seconds)
          Change the transaction timeout for transactions started by the calling thread with the UserTransaction.begin() method.
 void TransactionManager.begin()
          Starts a new transaction, and associate it with the calling thread.
 void TransactionManager.commit()
          Commit the transaction associated with the calling thread.
 void TransactionManager.rollback()
          Rolls back the transaction associated with the calling thread.
 void TransactionManager.setRollbackOnly()
          Mark the transaction associated with the calling thread for rollback only.
 int TransactionManager.getStatus()
          Get the status of the transaction associated with the calling thread.
 Transaction TransactionManager.getTransaction()
          Get the transaction associated with the calling thread.
 void TransactionManager.setTransactionTimeout(int seconds)
          Change the transaction timeout for transactions started by the calling thread with the TransactionManager.begin() method.
 Transaction TransactionManager.suspend()
          Suspend the association the calling thread has to a transaction, and return the suspended transaction.
 void TransactionManager.resume(Transaction tobj)
          Resume the association of the calling thread with the given transaction.
 void Transaction.commit()
          Attempt to commit this transaction.
 void Transaction.rollback()
          Rolls back this transaction.
 void Transaction.setRollbackOnly()
          Mark the transaction so that the only possible outcome is a rollback.
 int Transaction.getStatus()
          Get the status of the transaction.
 boolean Transaction.enlistResource(XAResource xaRes)
          Enlist an XA resource with this transaction.
 boolean Transaction.delistResource(XAResource xaRes, int flag)
          Delist an XA resource from this transaction.
 void Transaction.registerSynchronization(Synchronization sync)
          Register a Synchronization callback with this transaction.

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