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RowSetWriter (JBoss J2EE API) - JBoss 3.2.7 j2ee API Documentation 英文版文档

Interface RowSetWriter

public interface RowSetWriter

An object that implements the RowSetWriter interface may be registered with a RowSet object that supports the reader/writer paradigm. The RowSetWriter.writeRow() method is called internally by a RowSet that supports the reader/writer paradigm to write the contents of the rowset to a data source.

Method Summary
 boolean writeData(RowSetInternal rowSetInternal)
          This method is called to write data to the data source that is backing the rowset.

Method Detail


public boolean writeData(RowSetInternal rowSetInternal)
                  throws SQLException
This method is called to write data to the data source that is backing the rowset.

rowSetInternal - - the calling rowset
true if the row was written, false if not due to a conflict
SQLException - - if a database-access error occur

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