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javax.resource.cci (JBoss J2EE API) - JBoss 3.2.7 j2ee API Documentation 英文版文档

Package javax.resource.cci

Interface Summary
Connection The Connection provides a handle for use by the application to access an underlying physical connection.
ConnectionFactory The ConnectionFactory provides an interface for getting a Connection from the Resource adapter.
ConnectionMetaData The ConnectionMetaData provides information about the underlying resources for the connection.
ConnectionSpec An ConnectionSpec holds connection specific properties for use by a ConnectionFactory in creating a Connection.n Connection in order to execute a function on the underlying resource.
IndexedRecord The IndexedRecord interface is used for list oriented representations of the Record elements.
Interaction The Interaction enables a component to execute functions on the underlying resource.
InteractionSpec An InteractionSpec holds properties for use by an Interaction in order to execute a function on the underlying resource.
LocalTransaction The LocalTransaction interface is the transaction demarcation interface for transactions local to the resource manager.
MappedRecord The MappedRecord interface is used for key-value map based representation of the Record elements.
Record The Record interface is the base interface for representing input and output for an Interaction.
RecordFactory The RecordFactory interface is used for creating MappedRecord and IndexedRecord instances.
ResourceAdapterMetaData The ResourceAdaptetMetaData provides information about the resource adapters implementation.
ResultSet A ResultSet represents tabular data returned from the underlying resource by the execution of an interaction.
ResultSetInfo The interface ResultSetInfo provides information on the support for the ResultSet interface by an underlying resource.
Streamable The Streamable interface allows a resource adapter to interact with a Record as a stream of bytes.

Exception Summary
ResourceWarning ResourceWarning provides information on warnings generated by the underlying resource.

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