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Uses of Class javax.ejb.RemoveException (JBoss J2EE API) - JBoss 3.2.7 j2ee API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use RemoveException

Uses of RemoveException in javax.ejb

Methods in javax.ejb that throw RemoveException
 void EntityBean.ejbRemove()
          A container invokes this method before it removes the EJB object that is currently associated with the instance.
 void EJBObject.remove()
          Remove the EJB object.
 void EJBLocalObject.remove()
          Remove the EJB local object.
 void EJBLocalHome.remove(Object primaryKey)
          Remove an EJB object identified by its primary key.
 void EJBHome.remove(Object primaryKey)
          Remove an EJB object identified by its primary key.
 void EJBHome.remove(Handle handle)
          Remove an EJB object identified by its handle.

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