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org.jboss.invocation.iiop (JBoss IIOP Plugin API) - JBoss 3.2.7 iiop API Documentation 英文版文档

Package org.jboss.invocation.iiop

Interface Summary
IIOPInvokerMBean Mbean interface for the IIOP invoker.
ReferenceFactory Interface of a CORBA reference factory.
ServantRegistries Interface of a set of registries for CORBA servants.
ServantRegistry Interface of a registry for CORBA servants.

Class Summary
IIOPInvoker IIOP invoker that routs IIOP requests to CORBA servants.
ReferenceData Helper class used to create a byte array ("reference data") to be embedded into a CORBA reference and to extract object/servant identification info from this byte array.
ServantRegistryKind "Typesafe enum" class for the kinds of ServantRegistry.
ServantWithMBeanServer Abstract class of a CORBA servant that has a reference to an MBean server.

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