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Log4jLoggerPlugin (JBoss/Common API) - JBoss 3.2.7 common API Documentation 英文版文档

Class Log4jLoggerPlugin

  extended byorg.jboss.logging.Log4jLoggerPlugin
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Log4jLoggerPlugin
extends Object
implements LoggerPlugin

Delegate for org.jboss.logging.Logger logging to log4j. Body of implementation mainly copied from old Logger implementation.

$Revision: $


3. mai 2002 Sacha Labourey:

  • First implementation

4. february 2003 Dag Liodden:

  • Fixed Log4J locationinfo by sending the fully qualified classname of Logger to Log4J

Sacha Labourey.
See Also:
Logger, LoggerPlugin

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void debug(Object message)
          Issue a log msg with a level of DEBUG.
 void debug(Object message, Throwable t)
          Issue a log msg and throwable with a level of DEBUG.
 void error(Object message)
          Issue a log msg with a level of ERROR.
 void error(Object message, Throwable t)
          Issue a log msg and throwable with a level of ERROR.
 void fatal(Object message)
          Issue a log msg with a level of FATAL.
 void fatal(Object message, Throwable t)
          Issue a log msg and throwable with a level of FATAL.
 org.apache.log4j.Category getCategory()
 org.apache.log4j.Logger getLogger()
          Exposes the delegate Log4j Logger.
 void info(Object message)
          Issue a log msg with a level of INFO.
 void info(Object message, Throwable t)
          Issue a log msg and throwable with a level of INFO.
 void init(String name)
 boolean isDebugEnabled()
          Check to see if the TRACE level is enabled for this logger.
 boolean isInfoEnabled()
          Check to see if the INFO level is enabled for this logger.
 boolean isTraceEnabled()
 void log(org.apache.log4j.Level l, Object message)
          Issue a log msg with the given level.
 void log(org.apache.log4j.Level l, Object message, Throwable t)
          Issue a log msg with the given level.
 void log(org.apache.log4j.Priority p, Object message)
          Deprecated. Use Level versions.
 void log(org.apache.log4j.Priority p, Object message, Throwable t)
          Deprecated. Use Level versions.
 void trace(Object message)
          Issue a log msg with a level of TRACE.
 void trace(Object message, Throwable t)
          Issue a log msg and throwable with a level of TRACE.
 void warn(Object message)
          Issue a log msg with a level of WARN.
 void warn(Object message, Throwable t)
          Issue a log msg and throwable with a level of WARN.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Log4jLoggerPlugin()
Method Detail


public void init(String name)
Specified by:
init in interface LoggerPlugin


public org.apache.log4j.Category getCategory()


public org.apache.log4j.Logger getLogger()
Exposes the delegate Log4j Logger.


public boolean isTraceEnabled()
Specified by:
isTraceEnabled in interface LoggerPlugin


public void trace(Object message)
Issue a log msg with a level of TRACE. Invokes log.log(XLevel.TRACE, message);

Specified by:
trace in interface LoggerPlugin


public void trace(Object message,
                  Throwable t)
Issue a log msg and throwable with a level of TRACE. Invokes log.log(XLevel.TRACE, message, t);

Specified by:
trace in interface LoggerPlugin


public boolean isDebugEnabled()
Check to see if the TRACE level is enabled for this logger.

Specified by:
isDebugEnabled in interface LoggerPlugin
true if a trace(Object) method invocation would pass the msg to the configured appenders, false otherwise.


public void debug(Object message)
Issue a log msg with a level of DEBUG. Invokes log.log(Level.DEBUG, message);

Specified by:
debug in interface LoggerPlugin


public void debug(Object message,
                  Throwable t)
Issue a log msg and throwable with a level of DEBUG. Invokes log.log(Level.DEBUG, message, t);

Specified by:
debug in interface LoggerPlugin


public boolean isInfoEnabled()
Check to see if the INFO level is enabled for this logger.

Specified by:
isInfoEnabled in interface LoggerPlugin
true if a info(Object) method invocation would pass the msg to the configured appenders, false otherwise.


public void info(Object message)
Issue a log msg with a level of INFO. Invokes log.log(Level.INFO, message);

Specified by:
info in interface LoggerPlugin


public void info(Object message,
                 Throwable t)
Issue a log msg and throwable with a level of INFO. Invokes log.log(Level.INFO, message, t);

Specified by:
info in interface LoggerPlugin


public void warn(Object message)
Issue a log msg with a level of WARN. Invokes log.log(Level.WARN, message);

Specified by:
warn in interface LoggerPlugin


public void warn(Object message,
                 Throwable t)
Issue a log msg and throwable with a level of WARN. Invokes log.log(Level.WARN, message, t);

Specified by:
warn in interface LoggerPlugin


public void error(Object message)
Issue a log msg with a level of ERROR. Invokes log.log(Level.ERROR, message);

Specified by:
error in interface LoggerPlugin


public void error(Object message,
                  Throwable t)
Issue a log msg and throwable with a level of ERROR. Invokes log.log(Level.ERROR, message, t);

Specified by:
error in interface LoggerPlugin


public void fatal(Object message)
Issue a log msg with a level of FATAL. Invokes log.log(Level.FATAL, message);

Specified by:
fatal in interface LoggerPlugin


public void fatal(Object message,
                  Throwable t)
Issue a log msg and throwable with a level of FATAL. Invokes log.log(Level.FATAL, message, t);

Specified by:
fatal in interface LoggerPlugin


public void log(org.apache.log4j.Priority p,
                Object message)
Deprecated. Use Level versions.

Issue a log msg with the given level. Invokes log.log(p, message);


public void log(org.apache.log4j.Priority p,
                Object message,
                Throwable t)
Deprecated. Use Level versions.

Issue a log msg with the given priority. Invokes log.log(p, message, t);


public void log(org.apache.log4j.Level l,
                Object message)
Issue a log msg with the given level. Invokes log.log(l, message);


public void log(org.apache.log4j.Level l,
                Object message,
                Throwable t)
Issue a log msg with the given level. Invokes log.log(l, message, t);

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