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org.jboss.cache (JBoss Cache API) - JBoss 3.2.7 Cache API Documentation 英文版文档

Package org.jboss.cache

Interface Summary
CacheListener Cache notification interface.
Replicatable Defines an entity able to receive replications
TransactionManagerLookup Plugin, which allows TreeCache to use different transactional systems
TreeCacheListener Callbacks for various events regarding TreeCache.
TreeCacheMBean MBean interface.
TreeCacheViewMBean MBean interface.

Class Summary
ConsoleListener This class provides a non-graphical view of JBossCache replication events for a replicated cache.
DummyTransactionManagerLookup Returns an instance of DummyTransactionManager, used by standalone cache.
Fqn Fully qualified name.
GenericTransactionManagerLookup A generic class that chooses the best-fit TransactionManager.
GlobalTransaction Uniquely identifies a transaction that spans all nodes in a cluster.
JBossTransactionManagerLookup Default implementation.
Modification Represents a modification in the cache.
Node Represents a node in the tree.
PropertyConfigurator A generic object property configurator.
ReplicationQueue Periodically (or when certain size is exceeded) takes elements and replicates them.
TransactionEntry This is the value (key being the GlobalTransaction) in the transaction table of TreeCache.
TransactionTable Maintains the mapping between local (Transaction) and global transactions (GlobalTransaction).
TreeCache A tree-like structure that is replicated across several members.
TreeCacheView Graphical view of a ReplicatedTree (using the MVC paradigm).
TreeCacheView2 Graphical view of a ReplicatedTree (using the MVC paradigm).

Exception Summary
CacheException CacheException, mother of all cache exceptions
KeyNotExistsException A key in the cache does not exist, but we tried to access it.
NodeNotExistsException Thrown when an operation is attempted on a non-existing node in the cache

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