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LSProgressEvent (Java Platform SE 6) - JDK 5 Documentation v6.0, Java 2 SDK 英文文档

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

Interface LSProgressEvent

All Superinterfaces:

public interface LSProgressEvent
extends Event

This interface represents a progress event object that notifies the application about progress as a document is parsed. It extends the Event interface defined in [DOM Level 3 Events] .

The units used for the attributes position and totalSize are not specified and can be implementation and input dependent.

See also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Load and Save Specification.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.w3c.dom.events.Event
Method Summary
 LSInput getInput()
          The input source that is being parsed.
 int getPosition()
          The current position in the input source, including all external entities and other resources that have been read.
 int getTotalSize()
          The total size of the document including all external resources, this number might change as a document is being parsed if references to more external resources are seen.
Methods inherited from interface org.w3c.dom.events.Event
getBubbles, getCancelable, getCurrentTarget, getEventPhase, getTarget, getTimeStamp, getType, initEvent, preventDefault, stopPropagation

Method Detail


LSInput getInput()
The input source that is being parsed.


int getPosition()
The current position in the input source, including all external entities and other resources that have been read.


int getTotalSize()
The total size of the document including all external resources, this number might change as a document is being parsed if references to more external resources are seen. A value of 0 is returned if the total size cannot be determined or estimated.

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

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For further API reference and developer documentation, see Java SE Developer Documentation. That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples.

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