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Uses of Interface org.w3c.dom.Element (Java Platform SE 6) - JDK 5 Documentation v6.0, Java 2 SDK 英文文档

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Element
javax.imageio.metadata A package of the Java Image I/O API dealing with reading and writing metadata. 
javax.xml.bind.annotation Defines annotations for customizing Java program elements to XML Schema mapping. 
javax.xml.crypto.dom DOM-specific classes for the javax.xml.crypto package. 
javax.xml.soap Provides the API for creating and building SOAP messages. 
org.w3c.dom Provides the interfaces for the Document Object Model (DOM) which is a component API of the Java API for XML Processing

Uses of Element in javax.imageio.metadata

Classes in javax.imageio.metadata that implement Element
 class IIOMetadataNode
          A class representing a node in a meta-data tree, which implements the org.w3c.dom.Element interface and additionally allows for the storage of non-textual objects via the getUserObject and setUserObject methods.

Uses of Element in javax.xml.bind.annotation

Methods in javax.xml.bind.annotation that return Element
 Element W3CDomHandler.getElement(DOMResult r)

Methods in javax.xml.bind.annotation with parameters of type Element
 Source W3CDomHandler.marshal(Element element, ValidationEventHandler errorHandler)

Uses of Element in javax.xml.crypto.dom

Methods in javax.xml.crypto.dom that return Element
 Element DOMCryptoContext.getElementById(String idValue)
          Returns the Element with the specified ID attribute value.

Methods in javax.xml.crypto.dom with parameters of type Element
 void DOMCryptoContext.setIdAttributeNS(Element element, String namespaceURI, String localName)
          Registers the element's attribute specified by the namespace URI and local name to be of type ID.

Uses of Element in javax.xml.soap

Subinterfaces of Element in javax.xml.soap
 interface Detail
          A container for DetailEntry objects.
 interface DetailEntry
          The content for a Detail object, giving details for a SOAPFault object.
 interface SOAPBody
          An object that represents the contents of the SOAP body element in a SOAP message.
 interface SOAPBodyElement
          A SOAPBodyElement object represents the contents in a SOAPBody object.
 interface SOAPElement
          An object representing an element of a SOAP message that is allowed but not specifically prescribed by a SOAP specification.
 interface SOAPEnvelope
          The container for the SOAPHeader and SOAPBody portions of a SOAPPart object.
 interface SOAPFault
          An element in the SOAPBody object that contains error and/or status information.
 interface SOAPFaultElement
          A representation of the contents in a SOAPFault object.
 interface SOAPHeader
          A representation of the SOAP header element.
 interface SOAPHeaderElement
          An object representing the contents in the SOAP header part of the SOAP envelope.

Methods in javax.xml.soap with parameters of type Element
 SOAPElement SOAPFactory.createElement(Element domElement)
          Creates a SOAPElement object from an existing DOM Element.

Uses of Element in org.w3c.dom

Methods in org.w3c.dom that return Element
 Element Document.createElement(String tagName)
          Creates an element of the type specified.
 Element Document.createElementNS(String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName)
          Creates an element of the given qualified name and namespace URI.
 Element Document.getDocumentElement()
          This is a convenience attribute that allows direct access to the child node that is the document element of the document.
 Element Document.getElementById(String elementId)
          Returns the Element that has an ID attribute with the given value.
 Element Attr.getOwnerElement()
          The Element node this attribute is attached to or null if this attribute is not in use.

Uses of Element in org.w3c.dom.ls

Methods in org.w3c.dom.ls with parameters of type Element
 short LSParserFilter.startElement(Element elementArg)
          The parser will call this method after each Element start tag has been scanned, but before the remainder of the Element is processed.

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

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For further API reference and developer documentation, see Java SE Developer Documentation. That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples.

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