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Uses of Interface org.omg.PortableServer.POA (Java Platform SE 6) - JDK 5 Documentation v6.0, Java 2 SDK 英文文档

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

Uses of Interface

Packages that use POA
org.omg.CosNaming Provides a naming service for Java IDL. 
org.omg.PortableServer Provides classes and interfaces for making the server side of your applications portable across multivendor ORBs. 
org.omg.PortableServer.portable Provides classes and interfaces for making the server side of your applications portable across multivendor ORBs. 

Uses of POA in org.omg.CosNaming

Methods in org.omg.CosNaming with parameters of type POA
 String[] NamingContextExtPOA._all_interfaces(POA poa, byte[] objectId)
 String[] NamingContextPOA._all_interfaces(POA poa, byte[] objectId)
 String[] BindingIteratorPOA._all_interfaces(POA poa, byte[] objectId)

Uses of POA in org.omg.PortableServer

Methods in org.omg.PortableServer that return POA
 POA Servant._default_POA()
          Returns the root POA from the ORB instance associated with the servant.
 POA Servant._poa()
          Allows easy execution of common methods, equivalent to PortableServer::Current:get_POA.
 POA POAOperations.create_POA(String adapter_name, POAManager a_POAManager, Policy[] policies)
          This operation creates a new POA as a child of the target POA.
static POA POAHelper.extract(Any a)
 POA POAOperations.find_POA(String adapter_name, boolean activate_it)
          If the target POA is the parent of a child POA with the specified name (relative to the target POA), that child POA is returned.
 POA CurrentOperations.get_POA()
          Returns reference to the POA implementing the object in whose context it is called.
static POA POAHelper.narrow(Object obj)
static POA POAHelper.read(InputStream istream)
 POA[] POAOperations.the_children()
          This attribute identifies the current set of all child POAs of the POA.
 POA POAOperations.the_parent()
          This attribute identifies the parent of the POA.

Methods in org.omg.PortableServer with parameters of type POA
 String[] ServantLocatorPOA._all_interfaces(POA poa, byte[] objectId)
 String[] ServantActivatorPOA._all_interfaces(POA poa, byte[] objectId)
abstract  String[] Servant._all_interfaces(POA poa, byte[] objectId)
          Used by the ORB to obtain complete type information from the servant.
 void _ServantActivatorStub.etherealize(byte[] oid, POA adapter, Servant serv, boolean cleanup_in_progress, boolean remaining_activations)
          This operation is invoked whenever a servant for an object is deactivated, assuming the POA has the USE_SERVANT_MANAGER and RETAIN policies.
 void ServantActivatorOperations.etherealize(byte[] oid, POA adapter, Servant serv, boolean cleanup_in_progress, boolean remaining_activations)
          This operation is invoked whenever a servant for an object is deactivated, assuming the POA has the USE_SERVANT_MANAGER and RETAIN policies.
 Servant _ServantActivatorStub.incarnate(byte[] oid, POA adapter)
          This operation is invoked by the POA whenever the POA receives a request for an object that is not currently active, assuming the POA has the USE_SERVANT_MANAGER and RETAIN policies.
 Servant ServantActivatorOperations.incarnate(byte[] oid, POA adapter)
          This operation is invoked by the POA whenever the POA receives a request for an object that is not currently active, assuming the POA has the USE_SERVANT_MANAGER and RETAIN policies.
static void POAHelper.insert(Any a, POA that)
 void _ServantLocatorStub.postinvoke(byte[] oid, POA adapter, String operation, Object the_cookie, Servant the_servant)
          This operation is invoked whenener a servant completes a request.
 void ServantLocatorOperations.postinvoke(byte[] oid, POA adapter, String operation, Object the_cookie, Servant the_servant)
          This operation is invoked whenener a servant completes a request.
 Servant _ServantLocatorStub.preinvoke(byte[] oid, POA adapter, String operation, CookieHolder the_cookie)
          This operations is used to get a servant that will be used to process the request that caused preinvoke to be called.
 Servant ServantLocatorOperations.preinvoke(byte[] oid, POA adapter, String operation, CookieHolder the_cookie)
          This operations is used to get a servant that will be used to process the request that caused preinvoke to be called.
 boolean AdapterActivatorOperations.unknown_adapter(POA parent, String name)
          This operation is invoked when the ORB receives a request for an object reference that identifies a target POA that does not exist.
static void POAHelper.write(OutputStream ostream, POA value)

Uses of POA in org.omg.PortableServer.portable

Methods in org.omg.PortableServer.portable that return POA
 POA Delegate.default_POA(Servant Self)
          The default behavior of this function is to return the root POA from the ORB instance associated with the servant.
 POA Delegate.poa(Servant Self)
          The method _poa() is equivalent to calling PortableServer::Current:get_POA.

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

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