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IORInterceptor_3_0Operations (Java Platform SE 6) - JDK 5 Documentation v6.0, Java 2 SDK 英文文档

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

Interface IORInterceptor_3_0Operations

All Superinterfaces:
InterceptorOperations, IORInterceptorOperations
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IORInterceptor_3_0Operations
extends IORInterceptorOperations

org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInterceptor_3_0Operations.java . Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.2" from ../../../../src/share/classes/org/omg/PortableInterceptor/Interceptors.idl Wednesday, November 29, 2006 1:57:26 AM GMT-08:00

Method Summary
 void adapter_manager_state_changed(int id, short state)
          Called whenever the state of an adapter manager changes.
 void adapter_state_changed(ObjectReferenceTemplate[] templates, short state)
          Called whenever the state of an object adapter changes, and the state change is not caused by an adapter manager.
 void components_established(IORInfo info)
          The components_established method is invoked on all registered IORInterceptor_3_0 instances after establish_components has been invoked on all registered IORInterceptor instances.
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.PortableInterceptor.IORInterceptorOperations
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.PortableInterceptor.InterceptorOperations
destroy, name

Method Detail


void components_established(IORInfo info)
The components_established method is invoked on all registered IORInterceptor_3_0 instances after establish_components has been invoked on all registered IORInterceptor instances. The adapter_template is available in info during this call. The current_factory may be get or set in info during this call.

Any exception thrown from this method is handled by the Object Adapter that called this interceptor. In the case of the POA, an exception results in a OBJ_ADAPTER exception with an OMG standard minor code of 6.

info - The IORInfo for the object adapter being created.


void adapter_manager_state_changed(int id,
                                   short state)
Called whenever the state of an adapter manager changes. For the POA, that is the POAManager. If the state change is reported through adapter_manager_state_changed, it is not reported through adapter_state_changed.

id - the adapter manager id of the adapter manager that changed state
state - the new state of the adapter manager


void adapter_state_changed(ObjectReferenceTemplate[] templates,
                           short state)
Called whenever the state of an object adapter changes, and the state change is not caused by an adapter manager. Such changes are reported to all registered IORInterceptor_3_0 instances.

templates - the sequence of ObjectReferenceTemplate instances on which this state change occurred.
state - the new AdapterState shared by all of the templates.

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

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