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Uses of Interface javax.xml.transform.Source (Java Platform SE 6) - JDK 5 Documentation v6.0, Java 2 SDK 英文文档

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Source
java.sql Provides the API for accessing and processing data stored in a data source (usually a relational database) using the JavaTM programming language. 
javax.xml.bind Provides a runtime binding framework for client applications including unmarshalling, marshalling, and validation capabilities. 
javax.xml.bind.annotation Defines annotations for customizing Java program elements to XML Schema mapping. 
javax.xml.bind.helpers JAXB Provider Use Only: Provides partial default implementations for some of the javax.xml.bind interfaces. 
javax.xml.bind.util Useful client utility classes. 
javax.xml.soap Provides the API for creating and building SOAP messages. 
javax.xml.transform This package defines the generic APIs for processing transformation instructions, and performing a transformation from source to result. 
javax.xml.transform.dom This package implements DOM-specific transformation APIs. 
javax.xml.transform.sax This package implements SAX2-specific transformation APIs. 
javax.xml.transform.stax Provides for StAX-specific transformation APIs. 
javax.xml.transform.stream This package implements stream- and URI- specific transformation APIs. 
javax.xml.validation This package provides an API for validation of XML documents. 
javax.xml.ws This package contains the core JAX-WS APIs. 

Uses of Source in java.sql

Methods in java.sql with type parameters of type Source
<T extends Source>
SQLXML.getSource(Class<T> sourceClass)
          Returns a Source for reading the XML value designated by this SQLXML instance.

Uses of Source in javax.xml.bind

Methods in javax.xml.bind with parameters of type Source
 Object Unmarshaller.unmarshal(Source source)
          Unmarshal XML data from the specified XML Source and return the resulting content tree.
<T> JAXBElement<T>
Unmarshaller.unmarshal(Source source, Class<T> declaredType)
          Unmarshal XML data from the specified XML Source by declaredType and return the resulting content tree.

Uses of Source in javax.xml.bind.annotation

Methods in javax.xml.bind.annotation that return Source
 Source DomHandler.marshal(ElementT n, ValidationEventHandler errorHandler)
          This method is called when a JAXB provider needs to marshal an element to XML.
 Source W3CDomHandler.marshal(Element element, ValidationEventHandler errorHandler)

Uses of Source in javax.xml.bind.helpers

Methods in javax.xml.bind.helpers with parameters of type Source
 Object AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(Source source)
<T> JAXBElement<T>
AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(Source source, Class<T> expectedType)

Uses of Source in javax.xml.bind.util

Classes in javax.xml.bind.util that implement Source
 class JAXBSource
          JAXP Source implementation that marshals a JAXB-generated object.

Uses of Source in javax.xml.soap

Methods in javax.xml.soap that return Source
abstract  Source SOAPPart.getContent()
          Returns the content of the SOAPEnvelope as a JAXP Source object.

Methods in javax.xml.soap with parameters of type Source
abstract  void SOAPPart.setContent(Source source)
          Sets the content of the SOAPEnvelope object with the data from the given Source object.

Uses of Source in javax.xml.stream

Methods in javax.xml.stream with parameters of type Source
abstract  XMLEventReader XMLInputFactory.createXMLEventReader(Source source)
          Create a new XMLEventReader from a JAXP source.
abstract  XMLStreamReader XMLInputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(Source source)
          Create a new XMLStreamReader from a JAXP source.

Uses of Source in javax.xml.transform

Methods in javax.xml.transform that return Source
abstract  Source TransformerFactory.getAssociatedStylesheet(Source source, String media, String title, String charset)
          Get the stylesheet specification(s) associated with the XML Source document via the xml-stylesheet processing instruction that match the given criteria.
 Source URIResolver.resolve(String href, String base)
          Called by the processor when it encounters an xsl:include, xsl:import, or document() function.

Methods in javax.xml.transform with parameters of type Source
abstract  Source TransformerFactory.getAssociatedStylesheet(Source source, String media, String title, String charset)
          Get the stylesheet specification(s) associated with the XML Source document via the xml-stylesheet processing instruction that match the given criteria.
abstract  Templates TransformerFactory.newTemplates(Source source)
          Process the Source into a Templates object, which is a a compiled representation of the source.
abstract  Transformer TransformerFactory.newTransformer(Source source)
          Process the Source into a Transformer Object.
abstract  void Transformer.transform(Source xmlSource, Result outputTarget)
          Transform the XML Source to a Result.

Uses of Source in javax.xml.transform.dom

Classes in javax.xml.transform.dom that implement Source
 class DOMSource
          Acts as a holder for a transformation Source tree in the form of a Document Object Model (DOM) tree.

Uses of Source in javax.xml.transform.sax

Classes in javax.xml.transform.sax that implement Source
 class SAXSource
          Acts as an holder for SAX-style Source.

Methods in javax.xml.transform.sax with parameters of type Source
abstract  TransformerHandler SAXTransformerFactory.newTransformerHandler(Source src)
          Get a TransformerHandler object that can process SAX ContentHandler events into a Result, based on the transformation instructions specified by the argument.
abstract  XMLFilter SAXTransformerFactory.newXMLFilter(Source src)
          Create an XMLFilter that uses the given Source as the transformation instructions.
static InputSource SAXSource.sourceToInputSource(Source source)
          Attempt to obtain a SAX InputSource object from a Source object.

Uses of Source in javax.xml.transform.stax

Classes in javax.xml.transform.stax that implement Source
 class StAXSource
          Acts as a holder for an XML Source in the form of a StAX reader,i.e.

Uses of Source in javax.xml.transform.stream

Classes in javax.xml.transform.stream that implement Source
 class StreamSource
          Acts as an holder for a transformation Source in the form of a stream of XML markup.

Uses of Source in javax.xml.validation

Methods in javax.xml.validation with parameters of type Source
 Schema SchemaFactory.newSchema(Source schema)
          Parses the specified source as a schema and returns it as a schema.
abstract  Schema SchemaFactory.newSchema(Source[] schemas)
          Parses the specified source(s) as a schema and returns it as a schema.
 void Validator.validate(Source source)
          Validates the specified input.
abstract  void Validator.validate(Source source, Result result)
          Validates the specified input and send the augmented validation result to the specified output.

Uses of Source in javax.xml.ws

Methods in javax.xml.ws that return Source
 Source LogicalMessage.getPayload()
          Gets the message payload as an XML source, may be called multiple times on the same LogicalMessage instance, always returns a new Source that may be used to retrieve the entire message payload.

Methods in javax.xml.ws that return types with arguments of type Source
abstract  List<Source> Endpoint.getMetadata()
          Returns a list of metadata documents for the service.

Methods in javax.xml.ws with parameters of type Source
 void LogicalMessage.setPayload(Source payload)
          Sets the message payload

Method parameters in javax.xml.ws with type arguments of type Source
abstract  void Endpoint.setMetadata(List<Source> metadata)
          Sets the metadata for this endpoint.

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

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For further API reference and developer documentation, see Java SE Developer Documentation. That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples.

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