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Uses of Class javax.xml.namespace.QName (Java Platform SE 6) - JDK 5 Documentation v6.0, Java 2 SDK 英文文档

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

Uses of Class

Packages that use QName
javax.xml.bind Provides a runtime binding framework for client applications including unmarshalling, marshalling, and validation capabilities. 
javax.xml.datatype XML/Java Type Mappings. 
javax.xml.namespace XML Namespace processing. 
javax.xml.soap Provides the API for creating and building SOAP messages. 
javax.xml.ws This package contains the core JAX-WS APIs. 
javax.xml.ws.handler This package defines APIs for message handlers. 
javax.xml.ws.handler.soap This package defines APIs for SOAP message handlers. 
javax.xml.ws.spi This package defines SPIs for JAX-WS 2.0. 
javax.xml.xpath This package provides an object-model neutral API for the evaluation of XPath expressions and access to the evaluation environment. 

Uses of QName in javax.xml.bind

Fields in javax.xml.bind declared as QName
protected  QName JAXBElement.name
          xml element tag name

Methods in javax.xml.bind that return QName
abstract  QName JAXBIntrospector.getElementName(Object jaxbElement)
          Get xml element qname for jaxbElement.
 QName JAXBElement.getName()
          Returns the xml element tag name.
 QName DatatypeConverterInterface.parseQName(String lexicalXSDQName, NamespaceContext nsc)
           Converts the string argument into a QName value.
static QName DatatypeConverter.parseQName(String lexicalXSDQName, NamespaceContext nsc)
           Converts the string argument into a byte value.

Methods in javax.xml.bind with parameters of type QName
 String DatatypeConverterInterface.printQName(QName val, NamespaceContext nsc)
           Converts a QName instance into a string.
static String DatatypeConverter.printQName(QName val, NamespaceContext nsc)
           Converts a QName instance into a string.

Constructors in javax.xml.bind with parameters of type QName
JAXBElement(QName name, Class<T> declaredType, Class scope, T value)
          Construct an xml element instance.
JAXBElement(QName name, Class<T> declaredType, T value)
          Construct an xml element instance.

Uses of QName in javax.xml.datatype

Fields in javax.xml.datatype declared as QName
static QName DatatypeConstants.DATE
          Fully qualified name for W3C XML Schema 1.0 datatype date.
static QName DatatypeConstants.DATETIME
          Fully qualified name for W3C XML Schema 1.0 datatype dateTime.
static QName DatatypeConstants.DURATION
          Fully qualified name for W3C XML Schema datatype duration.
static QName DatatypeConstants.DURATION_DAYTIME
          Fully qualified name for XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 datatype dayTimeDuration.
static QName DatatypeConstants.DURATION_YEARMONTH
          Fully qualified name for XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 datatype yearMonthDuration.
static QName DatatypeConstants.GDAY
          Fully qualified name for W3C XML Schema 1.0 datatype gDay.
static QName DatatypeConstants.GMONTH
          Fully qualified name for W3C XML Schema 1.0 datatype gMonth.
static QName DatatypeConstants.GMONTHDAY
          Fully qualified name for W3C XML Schema 1.0 datatype gMonthDay.
static QName DatatypeConstants.GYEAR
          Fully qualified name for W3C XML Schema 1.0 datatype gYear.
static QName DatatypeConstants.GYEARMONTH
          Fully qualified name for W3C XML Schema 1.0 datatype gYearMonth.
static QName DatatypeConstants.TIME
          Fully qualified name for W3C XML Schema 1.0 datatype time.

Methods in javax.xml.datatype that return QName
abstract  QName XMLGregorianCalendar.getXMLSchemaType()
          Return the name of the XML Schema date/time type that this instance maps to.
 QName Duration.getXMLSchemaType()
          Return the name of the XML Schema date/time type that this instance maps to.

Uses of QName in javax.xml.namespace

Methods in javax.xml.namespace that return QName
static QName QName.valueOf(String qNameAsString)
          QName derived from parsing the formatted String.

Uses of QName in javax.xml.soap

Fields in javax.xml.soap declared as QName
          SOAP 1.2 DataEncodingUnknown Fault
          SOAP 1.2 MustUnderstand Fault
          SOAP 1.2 Receiver Fault
static QName SOAPConstants.SOAP_SENDER_FAULT
          SOAP 1.2 Sender Fault
          SOAP 1.2 VersionMismatch Fault

Methods in javax.xml.soap that return QName
 QName SOAPElement.createQName(String localName, String prefix)
          Creates a QName whose namespace URI is the one associated with the parameter, prefix, in the context of this SOAPElement.
 QName SOAPElement.getElementQName()
          Returns the qname of this SOAPElement object.
 QName SOAPFault.getFaultCodeAsQName()
          Gets the fault code for this SOAPFault object as a QName object.

Methods in javax.xml.soap with parameters of type QName
 SOAPElement SOAPElement.addAttribute(QName qname, String value)
          Adds an attribute with the specified name and value to this SOAPElement object.
 SOAPBodyElement SOAPBody.addBodyElement(QName qname)
          Creates a new SOAPBodyElement object with the specified QName and adds it to this SOAPBody object.
 SOAPElement SOAPElement.addChildElement(QName qname)
          Creates a new SOAPElement object initialized with the given QName object and adds the new element to this SOAPElement object.
 DetailEntry Detail.addDetailEntry(QName qname)
          Creates a new DetailEntry object with the given QName and adds it to this Detail object.
 SOAPFault SOAPBody.addFault(QName faultCode, String faultString)
          Creates a new SOAPFault object and adds it to this SOAPBody object.
 SOAPFault SOAPBody.addFault(QName faultCode, String faultString, Locale locale)
          Creates a new SOAPFault object and adds it to this SOAPBody object.
 SOAPHeaderElement SOAPHeader.addHeaderElement(QName qname)
          Creates a new SOAPHeaderElement object initialized with the specified qname and adds it to this SOAPHeader object.
 SOAPHeaderElement SOAPHeader.addNotUnderstoodHeaderElement(QName name)
          Creates a new NotUnderstood SOAPHeaderElement object initialized with the specified name and adds it to this SOAPHeader object.
 void SOAPFault.appendFaultSubcode(QName subcode)
          Adds a Subcode to the end of the sequence of Subcodes contained by this SOAPFault.
 SOAPElement SOAPFactory.createElement(QName qname)
          Creates a SOAPElement object initialized with the given QName object.
abstract  SOAPFault SOAPFactory.createFault(String reasonText, QName faultCode)
          Creates a new SOAPFault object initialized with the given reasonText and faultCode
 String SOAPElement.getAttributeValue(QName qname)
          Returns the value of the attribute with the specified qname.
 Iterator SOAPElement.getChildElements(QName qname)
          Returns an Iterator over all the immediate child Nodes of this element with the specified qname.
 boolean SOAPElement.removeAttribute(QName qname)
          Removes the attribute with the specified qname.
 SOAPElement SOAPElement.setElementQName(QName newName)
          Changes the name of this Element to newName if possible.
 void SOAPFault.setFaultCode(QName faultCodeQName)
          Sets this SOAPFault object with the given fault code.

Uses of QName in javax.xml.stream

Methods in javax.xml.stream that return QName
 QName XMLStreamReader.getAttributeName(int index)
          Returns the qname of the attribute at the provided index
 QName XMLStreamReader.getName()
          Returns a QName for the current START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT event

Methods in javax.xml.stream with parameters of type QName
abstract  Attribute XMLEventFactory.createAttribute(QName name, String value)
          Create a new Attribute
abstract  EndElement XMLEventFactory.createEndElement(QName name, Iterator namespaces)
          Create a new EndElement
abstract  StartElement XMLEventFactory.createStartElement(QName name, Iterator attributes, Iterator namespaces)
          Create a new StartElement.

Uses of QName in javax.xml.stream.events

Methods in javax.xml.stream.events that return QName
 QName Attribute.getName()
          Returns the QName for this attribute
 QName EndElement.getName()
          Get the name of this event
 QName StartElement.getName()
          Get the name of this event
 QName XMLEvent.getSchemaType()
          This method is provided for implementations to provide optional type information about the associated event.

Methods in javax.xml.stream.events with parameters of type QName
 Attribute StartElement.getAttributeByName(QName name)
          Returns the attribute referred to by this name

Uses of QName in javax.xml.stream.util

Methods in javax.xml.stream.util that return QName
 QName StreamReaderDelegate.getAttributeName(int index)
 QName StreamReaderDelegate.getName()

Uses of QName in javax.xml.ws

Methods in javax.xml.ws that return QName
 QName Service.getServiceName()
          Gets the name of this service.

Methods in javax.xml.ws that return types with arguments of type QName
 Iterator<QName> Service.getPorts()
          Returns an Iterator for the list of QNames of service endpoints grouped by this service

Methods in javax.xml.ws with parameters of type QName
 void Service.addPort(QName portName, String bindingId, String endpointAddress)
          Creates a new port for the service.
static Service Service.create(QName serviceName)
          Create a Service instance.
static Service Service.create(URL wsdlDocumentLocation, QName serviceName)
          Create a Service instance.
<T> Dispatch<T>
Service.createDispatch(QName portName, Class<T> type, Service.Mode mode)
          Creates a Dispatch instance for use with objects of the users choosing.
 Dispatch<Object> Service.createDispatch(QName portName, JAXBContext context, Service.Mode mode)
          Creates a Dispatch instance for use with JAXB generated objects.
<T> T
Service.getPort(QName portName, Class<T> serviceEndpointInterface)
          The getPort method returns a stub.

Constructors in javax.xml.ws with parameters of type QName
Service(URL wsdlDocumentLocation, QName serviceName)

Uses of QName in javax.xml.ws.handler

Methods in javax.xml.ws.handler that return QName
 QName PortInfo.getPortName()
          Gets the qualified name of the WSDL port being accessed.
 QName PortInfo.getServiceName()
          Gets the qualified name of the WSDL service name containing the port being accessed.

Uses of QName in javax.xml.ws.handler.soap

Methods in javax.xml.ws.handler.soap that return types with arguments of type QName
 Set<QName> SOAPHandler.getHeaders()
          Gets the header blocks that can be processed by this Handler instance.

Methods in javax.xml.ws.handler.soap with parameters of type QName
 Object[] SOAPMessageContext.getHeaders(QName header, JAXBContext context, boolean allRoles)
          Gets headers that have a particular qualified name from the message in the message context.

Uses of QName in javax.xml.ws.spi

Methods in javax.xml.ws.spi that return QName
abstract  QName ServiceDelegate.getServiceName()
          Gets the name of this service.

Methods in javax.xml.ws.spi that return types with arguments of type QName
abstract  Iterator<QName> ServiceDelegate.getPorts()
          Returns an Iterator for the list of QNames of service endpoints grouped by this service

Methods in javax.xml.ws.spi with parameters of type QName
abstract  void ServiceDelegate.addPort(QName portName, String bindingId, String endpointAddress)
          Creates a new port for the service.
<T> Dispatch<T>
ServiceDelegate.createDispatch(QName portName, Class<T> type, Service.Mode mode)
          Creates a Dispatch instance for use with objects of the users choosing.
abstract  Dispatch<Object> ServiceDelegate.createDispatch(QName portName, JAXBContext context, Service.Mode mode)
          Creates a Dispatch instance for use with JAXB generated objects.
abstract  ServiceDelegate Provider.createServiceDelegate(URL wsdlDocumentLocation, QName serviceName, Class serviceClass)
          Creates a service delegate object.
<T> T
ServiceDelegate.getPort(QName portName, Class<T> serviceEndpointInterface)
          The getPort method returns a stub.

Uses of QName in javax.xml.xpath

Fields in javax.xml.xpath declared as QName
static QName XPathConstants.BOOLEAN
          The XPath 1.0 boolean data type.
static QName XPathConstants.NODE
          The XPath 1.0 NodeSet data type.
static QName XPathConstants.NODESET
          The XPath 1.0 NodeSet data type.
static QName XPathConstants.NUMBER
          The XPath 1.0 number data type.
static QName XPathConstants.STRING
          The XPath 1.0 string data type.

Methods in javax.xml.xpath with parameters of type QName
 Object XPathExpression.evaluate(InputSource source, QName returnType)
          Evaluate the compiled XPath expression in the context of the specified InputSource and return the result as the specified type.
 Object XPathExpression.evaluate(Object item, QName returnType)
          Evaluate the compiled XPath expression in the specified context and return the result as the specified type.
 Object XPath.evaluate(String expression, InputSource source, QName returnType)
          Evaluate an XPath expression in the context of the specified InputSource and return the result as the specified type.
 Object XPath.evaluate(String expression, Object item, QName returnType)
          Evaluate an XPath expression in the specified context and return the result as the specified type.
 XPathFunction XPathFunctionResolver.resolveFunction(QName functionName, int arity)
          Find a function in the set of available functions.
 Object XPathVariableResolver.resolveVariable(QName variableName)
          Find a variable in the set of available variables.

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

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