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SimpleScriptContext (Java Platform SE 6) - JDK 5 Documentation v6.0, Java 2 SDK 英文文档

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

Class SimpleScriptContext

  extended by javax.script.SimpleScriptContext
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SimpleScriptContext
extends Object
implements ScriptContext

Simple implementation of ScriptContext.


Field Summary
protected  Bindings engineScope
          This is the engine scope bindings.
protected  Writer errorWriter
          This is the writer to be used to output errors from scripts.
protected  Bindings globalScope
          This is the global scope bindings.
protected  Reader reader
          This is the reader to be used for input from scripts.
protected  Writer writer
          This is the writer to be used to output from scripts.
Fields inherited from interface javax.script.ScriptContext
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Object getAttribute(String name)
          Retrieves the value of the attribute with the given name in the scope occurring earliest in the search order.
 Object getAttribute(String name, int scope)
          Gets the value of an attribute in a given scope.
 int getAttributesScope(String name)
          Get the lowest scope in which an attribute is defined.
 Bindings getBindings(int scope)
          Returns the value of the engineScope field if specified scope is ENGINE_SCOPE.
 Writer getErrorWriter()
          Returns the Writer used to display error output.
 Reader getReader()
          Returns a Reader to be used by the script to read input.
 List<Integer> getScopes()
          Returns immutable List of all the valid values for scope in the ScriptContext.
 Writer getWriter()
          Returns the Writer for scripts to use when displaying output.
 Object removeAttribute(String name, int scope)
          Remove an attribute in a given scope.
 void setAttribute(String name, Object value, int scope)
          Sets the value of an attribute in a given scope.
 void setBindings(Bindings bindings, int scope)
          Sets a Bindings of attributes for the given scope.
 void setErrorWriter(Writer writer)
          Sets the Writer used to display error output.
 void setReader(Reader reader)
          Sets the Reader for scripts to read input .
 void setWriter(Writer writer)
          Sets the Writer for scripts to use when displaying output.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Writer writer
This is the writer to be used to output from scripts. By default, a PrintWriter based on System.out is used. Accessor methods getWriter, setWriter are used to manage this field.

See Also:
System.out, PrintWriter


protected Writer errorWriter
This is the writer to be used to output errors from scripts. By default, a PrintWriter based on System.err is used. Accessor methods getErrorWriter, setErrorWriter are used to manage this field.

See Also:
System.err, PrintWriter


protected Reader reader
This is the reader to be used for input from scripts. By default, a InputStreamReader based on System.in is used and default charset is used by this reader. Accessor methods getReader, setReader are used to manage this field.

See Also:
System.in, InputStreamReader


protected Bindings engineScope
This is the engine scope bindings. By default, a SimpleBindings is used. Accessor methods setBindings, getBindings are used to manage this field.

See Also:


protected Bindings globalScope
This is the global scope bindings. By default, a null value (which means no global scope) is used. Accessor methods setBindings, getBindings are used to manage this field.

Constructor Detail


public SimpleScriptContext()
Method Detail


public void setBindings(Bindings bindings,
                        int scope)
Sets a Bindings of attributes for the given scope. If the value of scope is ENGINE_SCOPE the given Bindings replaces the engineScope field. If the value of scope is GLOBAL_SCOPE the given Bindings replaces the globalScope field.

Specified by:
setBindings in interface ScriptContext
bindings - The Bindings of attributes to set.
scope - The value of the scope in which the attributes are set.
IllegalArgumentException - if scope is invalid.
NullPointerException - if the value of scope is ENGINE_SCOPE and the specified Bindings is null.


public Object getAttribute(String name)
Retrieves the value of the attribute with the given name in the scope occurring earliest in the search order. The order is determined by the numeric value of the scope parameter (lowest scope values first.)

Specified by:
getAttribute in interface ScriptContext
name - The name of the the attribute to retrieve.
The value of the attribute in the lowest scope for which an attribute with the given name is defined. Returns null if no attribute with the name exists in any scope.
NullPointerException - if the name is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if the name is empty.


public Object getAttribute(String name,
                           int scope)
Gets the value of an attribute in a given scope.

Specified by:
getAttribute in interface ScriptContext
name - The name of the attribute to retrieve.
scope - The scope in which to retrieve the attribute.
The value of the attribute. Returns null is the name does not exist in the given scope.
IllegalArgumentException - if the name is empty or if the value of scope is invalid.
NullPointerException - if the name is null.


public Object removeAttribute(String name,
                              int scope)
Remove an attribute in a given scope.

Specified by:
removeAttribute in interface ScriptContext
name - The name of the attribute to remove
scope - The scope in which to remove the attribute
The removed value.
IllegalArgumentException - if the name is empty or if the scope is invalid.
NullPointerException - if the name is null.


public void setAttribute(String name,
                         Object value,
                         int scope)
Sets the value of an attribute in a given scope.

Specified by:
setAttribute in interface ScriptContext
name - The name of the attribute to set
value - The value of the attribute
scope - The scope in which to set the attribute
IllegalArgumentException - if the name is empty or if the scope is invalid.
NullPointerException - if the name is null.


public Writer getWriter()
Returns the Writer for scripts to use when displaying output.

Specified by:
getWriter in interface ScriptContext
The Writer.


public Reader getReader()
Returns a Reader to be used by the script to read input.

Specified by:
getReader in interface ScriptContext
The Reader.


public void setReader(Reader reader)
Sets the Reader for scripts to read input .

Specified by:
setReader in interface ScriptContext
reader - The new Reader.


public void setWriter(Writer writer)
Sets the Writer for scripts to use when displaying output.

Specified by:
setWriter in interface ScriptContext
writer - The new Writer.


public Writer getErrorWriter()
Returns the Writer used to display error output.

Specified by:
getErrorWriter in interface ScriptContext
The Writer


public void setErrorWriter(Writer writer)
Sets the Writer used to display error output.

Specified by:
setErrorWriter in interface ScriptContext
writer - The Writer.


public int getAttributesScope(String name)
Get the lowest scope in which an attribute is defined.

Specified by:
getAttributesScope in interface ScriptContext
name - Name of the attribute .
The lowest scope. Returns -1 if no attribute with the given name is defined in any scope.
NullPointerException - if name is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if name is empty.


public Bindings getBindings(int scope)
Returns the value of the engineScope field if specified scope is ENGINE_SCOPE. Returns the value of the globalScope field if the specified scope is GLOBAL_SCOPE.

Specified by:
getBindings in interface ScriptContext
scope - The specified scope
The value of either the engineScope or globalScope field.
IllegalArgumentException - if the value of scope is invalid.


public List<Integer> getScopes()
Returns immutable List of all the valid values for scope in the ScriptContext.

Specified by:
getScopes in interface ScriptContext
list of scope values

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

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