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RemoteRef (Java Platform SE 6) - JDK 5 Documentation v6.0, Java 2 SDK 英文文档

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

Interface RemoteRef

All Superinterfaces:
Externalizable, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface RemoteRef
extends Externalizable

RemoteRef represents the handle for a remote object. A RemoteStub uses a remote reference to carry out a remote method invocation to a remote object.

See Also:

Field Summary
static String packagePrefix
          Initialize the server package prefix: assumes that the implementation of server ref classes (e.g., UnicastRef, UnicastServerRef) are located in the package defined by the prefix.
static long serialVersionUID
          indicate compatibility with JDK 1.1.x version of class.
Method Summary
 void done(RemoteCall call)
          Deprecated. 1.2 style stubs no longer use this method. Instead of using a sequence of method calls to the remote reference (newCall, invoke, and done), a stub uses a single method, invoke(Remote, Method, Object[], int), on the remote reference to carry out parameter marshalling, remote method executing and unmarshalling of the return value.
 String getRefClass(ObjectOutput out)
          Returns the class name of the ref type to be serialized onto the stream 'out'.
 void invoke(RemoteCall call)
          Deprecated. 1.2 style stubs no longer use this method. Instead of using a sequence of method calls to the remote reference (newCall, invoke, and done), a stub uses a single method, invoke(Remote, Method, Object[], int), on the remote reference to carry out parameter marshalling, remote method executing and unmarshalling of the return value.
 Object invoke(Remote obj, Method method, Object[] params, long opnum)
          Invoke a method.
 RemoteCall newCall(RemoteObject obj, Operation[] op, int opnum, long hash)
          Deprecated. 1.2 style stubs no longer use this method. Instead of using a sequence of method calls on the stub's the remote reference (newCall, invoke, and done), a stub uses a single method, invoke(Remote, Method, Object[], int), on the remote reference to carry out parameter marshalling, remote method executing and unmarshalling of the return value.
 boolean remoteEquals(RemoteRef obj)
          Compares two remote objects for equality.
 int remoteHashCode()
          Returns a hashcode for a remote object.
 String remoteToString()
          Returns a String that represents the reference of this remote object.
Methods inherited from interface java.io.Externalizable
readExternal, writeExternal

Field Detail


static final long serialVersionUID
indicate compatibility with JDK 1.1.x version of class.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String packagePrefix
Initialize the server package prefix: assumes that the implementation of server ref classes (e.g., UnicastRef, UnicastServerRef) are located in the package defined by the prefix.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


Object invoke(Remote obj,
              Method method,
              Object[] params,
              long opnum)
              throws Exception
Invoke a method. This form of delegating method invocation to the reference allows the reference to take care of setting up the connection to the remote host, marshaling some representation for the method and parameters, then communicating the method invocation to the remote host. This method either returns the result of a method invocation on the remote object which resides on the remote host or throws a RemoteException if the call failed or an application-level exception if the remote invocation throws an exception.

obj - the object that contains the RemoteRef (e.g., the RemoteStub for the object.
method - the method to be invoked
params - the parameter list
opnum - a hash that may be used to represent the method
result of remote method invocation
Exception - if any exception occurs during remote method invocation


RemoteCall newCall(RemoteObject obj,
                              Operation[] op,
                              int opnum,
                              long hash)
                   throws RemoteException
Deprecated. 1.2 style stubs no longer use this method. Instead of using a sequence of method calls on the stub's the remote reference (newCall, invoke, and done), a stub uses a single method, invoke(Remote, Method, Object[], int), on the remote reference to carry out parameter marshalling, remote method executing and unmarshalling of the return value.

Creates an appropriate call object for a new remote method invocation on this object. Passing operation array and index, allows the stubs generator to assign the operation indexes and interpret them. The remote reference may need the operation to encode in the call.

obj - remote stub through which to make call
op - array of stub operations
opnum - operation number
hash - stub/skeleton interface hash
call object representing remote call
RemoteException - if failed to initiate new remote call
See Also:


void invoke(RemoteCall call)
            throws Exception
Deprecated. 1.2 style stubs no longer use this method. Instead of using a sequence of method calls to the remote reference (newCall, invoke, and done), a stub uses a single method, invoke(Remote, Method, Object[], int), on the remote reference to carry out parameter marshalling, remote method executing and unmarshalling of the return value.

Executes the remote call. Invoke will raise any "user" exceptions which should pass through and not be caught by the stub. If any exception is raised during the remote invocation, invoke should take care of cleaning up the connection before raising the "user" or remote exception.

call - object representing remote call
Exception - if any exception occurs during remote method
See Also:


void done(RemoteCall call)
          throws RemoteException
Deprecated. 1.2 style stubs no longer use this method. Instead of using a sequence of method calls to the remote reference (newCall, invoke, and done), a stub uses a single method, invoke(Remote, Method, Object[], int), on the remote reference to carry out parameter marshalling, remote method executing and unmarshalling of the return value.

Allows the remote reference to clean up (or reuse) the connection. Done should only be called if the invoke returns successfully (non-exceptionally) to the stub.

call - object representing remote call
RemoteException - if remote error occurs during call cleanup
See Also:


String getRefClass(ObjectOutput out)
Returns the class name of the ref type to be serialized onto the stream 'out'.

out - the output stream to which the reference will be serialized
the class name (without package qualification) of the reference type


int remoteHashCode()
Returns a hashcode for a remote object. Two remote object stubs that refer to the same remote object will have the same hash code (in order to support remote objects as keys in hash tables).

remote object hashcode
See Also:


boolean remoteEquals(RemoteRef obj)
Compares two remote objects for equality. Returns a boolean that indicates whether this remote object is equivalent to the specified Object. This method is used when a remote object is stored in a hashtable.

obj - the Object to compare with
true if these Objects are equal; false otherwise.
See Also:


String remoteToString()
Returns a String that represents the reference of this remote object.

string representing remote object reference

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

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