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Uses of Class java.lang.Boolean (Java Platform SE 6) - JDK 5 Documentation v6.0, Java 2 SDK 英文文档

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

Uses of Class

Packages that use Boolean
java.awt.font Provides classes and interface relating to fonts. 
java.lang Provides classes that are fundamental to the design of the Java programming language. 
java.util Contains the collections framework, legacy collection classes, event model, date and time facilities, internationalization, and miscellaneous utility classes (a string tokenizer, a random-number generator, and a bit array). 
javax.management Provides the core classes for the Java Management Extensions. 
javax.management.loading Provides the classes which implement advanced dynamic loading. 
javax.management.modelmbean Provides the definition of the ModelMBean classes. 
javax.management.monitor Provides the definition of the monitor classes. 
javax.management.openmbean Provides the open data types and Open MBean descriptor classes. 
javax.management.relation Provides the definition of the Relation Service. 
javax.management.remote Interfaces for remote access to JMX MBean servers. 
javax.management.timer Provides the definition of the Timer MBean. 
javax.swing Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms. 
javax.swing.filechooser Contains classes and interfaces used by the JFileChooser component. 
javax.swing.plaf.basic Provides user interface objects built according to the Basic look and feel. 
javax.tools Provides interfaces for tools which can be invoked from a program, for example, compilers. 

Uses of Boolean in java.awt.font

Fields in java.awt.font declared as Boolean
static Boolean TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION_LTR
          Left-to-right run direction.
static Boolean TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL
          Right-to-left run direction.
static Boolean TextAttribute.STRIKETHROUGH_ON
          A single strikethrough.
static Boolean TextAttribute.SWAP_COLORS_ON
          Swap foreground and background.

Uses of Boolean in java.lang

Fields in java.lang declared as Boolean
static Boolean Boolean.FALSE
          The Boolean object corresponding to the primitive value false.
static Boolean Boolean.TRUE
          The Boolean object corresponding to the primitive value true.

Fields in java.lang with type parameters of type Boolean
static Class<Boolean> Boolean.TYPE
          The Class object representing the primitive type boolean.

Methods in java.lang that return Boolean
static Boolean Boolean.valueOf(boolean b)
          Returns a Boolean instance representing the specified boolean value.
static Boolean Boolean.valueOf(String s)
          Returns a Boolean with a value represented by the specified string.

Methods in java.lang with parameters of type Boolean
 int Boolean.compareTo(Boolean b)
          Compares this Boolean instance with another.

Uses of Boolean in java.util

Method parameters in java.util with type arguments of type Boolean
<E> Set<E>
Collections.newSetFromMap(Map<E,Boolean> map)
          Returns a set backed by the specified map.

Uses of Boolean in javax.management

Methods in javax.management with parameters of type Boolean
 void StandardMBean.postRegister(Boolean registrationDone)
          Allows the MBean to perform any operations needed after having been registered in the MBean server or after the registration has failed.
 void MBeanRegistration.postRegister(Boolean registrationDone)
          Allows the MBean to perform any operations needed after having been registered in the MBean server or after the registration has failed.

Uses of Boolean in javax.management.loading

Methods in javax.management.loading with parameters of type Boolean
 void MLet.postRegister(Boolean registrationDone)
          Allows the m-let to perform any operations needed after having been registered in the MBean server or after the registration has failed.

Uses of Boolean in javax.management.modelmbean

Methods in javax.management.modelmbean with parameters of type Boolean
 void RequiredModelMBean.postRegister(Boolean registrationDone)
          Allows the MBean to perform any operations needed after having been registered in the MBean server or after the registration has failed.

Uses of Boolean in javax.management.monitor

Methods in javax.management.monitor with parameters of type Boolean
 void Monitor.postRegister(Boolean registrationDone)
          Allows the monitor MBean to perform any operations needed after having been registered in the MBean server or after the registration has failed.

Uses of Boolean in javax.management.openmbean

Fields in javax.management.openmbean with type parameters of type Boolean
static SimpleType<Boolean> SimpleType.BOOLEAN
          The SimpleType instance describing values whose Java class name is java.lang.Boolean.

Uses of Boolean in javax.management.relation

Methods in javax.management.relation that return Boolean
 Boolean RelationServiceMBean.hasRelation(String relationId)
          Checks if there is a relation identified in Relation Service with given relation id.
 Boolean RelationService.hasRelation(String relationId)
          Checks if there is a relation identified in Relation Service with given relation id.
 Boolean RelationSupportMBean.isInRelationService()
          Returns an internal flag specifying if the object is still handled by the Relation Service.
 Boolean RelationSupport.isInRelationService()
          Returns an internal flag specifying if the object is still handled by the Relation Service.

Methods in javax.management.relation with parameters of type Boolean
 Integer RelationServiceMBean.checkRoleWriting(Role role, String relationTypeName, Boolean initFlag)
          Checks if given Role can be set in a relation of given type.
 Integer RelationService.checkRoleWriting(Role role, String relationTypeName, Boolean initFlag)
          Checks if given Role can be set in a relation of given type.
 void RelationSupport.postRegister(Boolean registrationDone)
 void RelationService.postRegister(Boolean registrationDone)
 void RelationSupportMBean.setRelationServiceManagementFlag(Boolean flag)
          Specifies whether this relation is handled by the Relation Service.
 void RelationSupport.setRelationServiceManagementFlag(Boolean flag)

Uses of Boolean in javax.management.remote

Methods in javax.management.remote with parameters of type Boolean
 void JMXConnectorServer.postRegister(Boolean registrationDone)

Uses of Boolean in javax.management.timer

Methods in javax.management.timer that return Boolean
 Boolean TimerMBean.getFixedRate(Integer id)
          Gets a copy of the flag indicating whether a periodic notification is executed at fixed-delay or at fixed-rate.
 Boolean Timer.getFixedRate(Integer id)
          Gets a copy of the flag indicating whether a periodic notification is executed at fixed-delay or at fixed-rate.

Methods in javax.management.timer with parameters of type Boolean
 void Timer.postRegister(Boolean registrationDone)
          Allows the timer MBean to perform any operations needed after having been registered in the MBean server or after the registration has failed.

Uses of Boolean in javax.swing

Methods in javax.swing with parameters of type Boolean
 void GroupLayout.setHonorsVisibility(Component component, Boolean honorsVisibility)
          Sets whether the component's visiblity is considered for sizing and positioning.
protected  void DefaultDesktopManager.setWasIcon(JInternalFrame f, Boolean value)
          Sets that the component has been iconized and the bounds of the desktopIcon are valid.

Uses of Boolean in javax.swing.filechooser

Methods in javax.swing.filechooser that return Boolean
 Boolean FileSystemView.isTraversable(File f)
          Returns true if the file (directory) can be visited.
 Boolean FileView.isTraversable(File f)
          Whether the directory is traversable or not.

Uses of Boolean in javax.swing.plaf.basic

Fields in javax.swing.plaf.basic with type parameters of type Boolean
protected  Hashtable<TreePath,Boolean> BasicTreeUI.drawingCache
          Used for minimizing the drawing of vertical lines.

Methods in javax.swing.plaf.basic that return Boolean
 Boolean BasicFileChooserUI.BasicFileView.isHidden(File f)

Uses of Boolean in javax.tools

Methods in javax.tools that return Boolean
 Boolean JavaCompiler.CompilationTask.call()
          Performs this compilation task.

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

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