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Uses of Class java.awt.AWTEvent (Java Platform SE 6) - JDK 5 Documentation v6.0, Java 2 SDK 英文文档

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

Uses of Class

Packages that use AWTEvent
java.awt Contains all of the classes for creating user interfaces and for painting graphics and images. 
java.awt.event Provides interfaces and classes for dealing with different types of events fired by AWT components. 
java.awt.im Provides classes and interfaces for the input method framework. 
java.awt.im.spi Provides interfaces that enable the development of input methods that can be used with any Java runtime environment. 
javax.swing.event Provides for events fired by Swing components. 

Uses of AWTEvent in java.awt

Methods in java.awt that return AWTEvent
protected  AWTEvent Component.coalesceEvents(AWTEvent existingEvent, AWTEvent newEvent)
          Potentially coalesce an event being posted with an existing event.
static AWTEvent EventQueue.getCurrentEvent()
          Returns the the event currently being dispatched by the EventQueue associated with the calling thread.
 AWTEvent EventQueue.getNextEvent()
          Removes an event from the EventQueue and returns it.
 AWTEvent EventQueue.peekEvent()
          Returns the first event on the EventQueue without removing it.
 AWTEvent EventQueue.peekEvent(int id)
          Returns the first event with the specified id, if any.

Methods in java.awt with parameters of type AWTEvent
protected  AWTEvent Component.coalesceEvents(AWTEvent existingEvent, AWTEvent newEvent)
          Potentially coalesce an event being posted with an existing event.
 boolean DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.dispatchEvent(AWTEvent e)
          This method is called by the AWT event dispatcher requesting that the current KeyboardFocusManager dispatch the specified event on its behalf.
 void MenuComponent.dispatchEvent(AWTEvent e)
          Delivers an event to this component or one of its sub components.
 void Component.dispatchEvent(AWTEvent e)
          Dispatches an event to this component or one of its sub components.
abstract  boolean KeyboardFocusManager.dispatchEvent(AWTEvent e)
          This method is called by the AWT event dispatcher requesting that the current KeyboardFocusManager dispatch the specified event on its behalf.
protected  void EventQueue.dispatchEvent(AWTEvent event)
          Dispatches an event.
 void EventQueue.postEvent(AWTEvent theEvent)
          Posts a 1.1-style event to the EventQueue.
protected  void CheckboxMenuItem.processEvent(AWTEvent e)
          Processes events on this check box menu item.
protected  void MenuItem.processEvent(AWTEvent e)
          Processes events on this menu item.
protected  void MenuComponent.processEvent(AWTEvent e)
          Processes events occurring on this menu component.
protected  void Window.processEvent(AWTEvent e)
          Processes events on this window.
protected  void Choice.processEvent(AWTEvent e)
          Processes events on this choice.
protected  void Container.processEvent(AWTEvent e)
          Processes events on this container.
protected  void Scrollbar.processEvent(AWTEvent e)
          Processes events on this scroll bar.
protected  void Checkbox.processEvent(AWTEvent e)
          Processes events on this check box.
protected  void List.processEvent(AWTEvent e)
          Processes events on this scrolling list.
protected  void TextComponent.processEvent(AWTEvent e)
          Processes events on this text component.
protected  void TextField.processEvent(AWTEvent e)
          Processes events on this text field.
protected  void Button.processEvent(AWTEvent e)
          Processes events on this button.
protected  void Component.processEvent(AWTEvent e)
          Processes events occurring on this component.
 void KeyboardFocusManager.redispatchEvent(Component target, AWTEvent e)
          Redispatches an AWTEvent in such a way that the AWT event dispatcher will not recursively request that the KeyboardFocusManager, or any installed KeyEventDispatchers, dispatch the event again.

Uses of AWTEvent in java.awt.event

Subclasses of AWTEvent in java.awt.event
 class ActionEvent
          A semantic event which indicates that a component-defined action occurred.
 class AdjustmentEvent
          The adjustment event emitted by Adjustable objects.
 class ComponentEvent
          A low-level event which indicates that a component moved, changed size, or changed visibility (also, the root class for the other component-level events).
 class ContainerEvent
          A low-level event which indicates that a container's contents changed because a component was added or removed.
 class FocusEvent
          A low-level event which indicates that a Component has gained or lost the input focus.
 class HierarchyEvent
          An event which indicates a change to the Component hierarchy to which a Component belongs.
 class InputEvent
          The root event class for all component-level input events.
 class InputMethodEvent
          Input method events contain information about text that is being composed using an input method.
 class InvocationEvent
          An event which executes the run() method on a Runnable when dispatched by the AWT event dispatcher thread.
 class ItemEvent
          A semantic event which indicates that an item was selected or deselected.
 class KeyEvent
          An event which indicates that a keystroke occurred in a component.
 class MouseEvent
          An event which indicates that a mouse action occurred in a component.
 class MouseWheelEvent
          An event which indicates that the mouse wheel was rotated in a component.
 class PaintEvent
          The component-level paint event.
 class TextEvent
          A semantic event which indicates that an object's text changed.
 class WindowEvent
          A low-level event that indicates that a window has changed its status.

Methods in java.awt.event with parameters of type AWTEvent
 void AWTEventListenerProxy.eventDispatched(AWTEvent evt)
          Forwards the property change event to the listener delegate.
 void AWTEventListener.eventDispatched(AWTEvent event)
          Invoked when an event is dispatched in the AWT.

Uses of AWTEvent in java.awt.im

Methods in java.awt.im with parameters of type AWTEvent
 void InputContext.dispatchEvent(AWTEvent event)
          Dispatches an event to the active input method.

Uses of AWTEvent in java.awt.im.spi

Methods in java.awt.im.spi with parameters of type AWTEvent
 void InputMethod.dispatchEvent(AWTEvent event)
          Dispatches the event to the input method.

Uses of AWTEvent in javax.swing.event

Subclasses of AWTEvent in javax.swing.event
 class AncestorEvent
          An event reported to a child component that originated from an ancestor in the component hierarchy.
 class InternalFrameEvent
          An AWTEvent that adds support for JInternalFrame objects as the event source.
 class MenuDragMouseEvent
          MenuDragMouseEvent is used to notify interested parties that the menu element has received a MouseEvent forwarded to it under drag conditions.
 class MenuKeyEvent
          MenuKeyEvent is used to notify interested parties that the menu element has received a KeyEvent forwarded to it in a menu tree.

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

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For further API reference and developer documentation, see Java SE Developer Documentation. That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples.

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