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ThreadDeathEvent (Java Debug Interface) - JDK 5 Documentation v1.4.0, Java 2 SDK 英文文档

Java Debug Interface

Interface ThreadDeathEvent

All Superinterfaces:
Event, Mirror

public interface ThreadDeathEvent
extends Event

Notification of a completed thread in the target VM. The notification is generated by the dying thread before it terminates. Because of this timing, it is possible for VirtualMachine.allThreads() to return this thread after this event is received.

Note that this event gives no information about the lifetime of the thread object. It may or may not be collected soon depending on what references exist in the target VM.

See Also:
EventQueue, VirtualMachine, ThreadReference

Method Summary
 ThreadReference thread()
          Returns the thread which is terminating.
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.jdi.event.Event
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.jdi.Mirror
toString, virtualMachine

Method Detail


public ThreadReference thread()
Returns the thread which is terminating.

a ThreadReference which mirrors the event's thread in the target VM.

Java Debug Interface