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Java Debug Interface: Uses of Class com.sun.jdi.ClassNotLoadedException - JDK 5 Documentation v1.4.0, Java 2 SDK 英文文档

Java Debug Interface

Uses of Class

Packages that use ClassNotLoadedException
com.sun.jdi This is the core package of the Java Debug Interface (JDI), it defines mirrors for values, types, and the target VirtualMachine itself - as well bootstrapping facilities. 

Uses of ClassNotLoadedException in com.sun.jdi

Methods in com.sun.jdi that throw ClassNotLoadedException
 void ClassType.setValue(Field field, Value value)
          Assigns a value to a static field.
 Value ClassType.invokeMethod(ThreadReference thread, Method method, List arguments, int options)
          Invokes the specified static Method in the target VM.
 ObjectReference ClassType.newInstance(ThreadReference thread, Method method, List arguments, int options)
          Constructs a new instance of this type, using the given constructor Method in the target VM.
 Type ArrayType.componentType()
          Returns the component type of this array, as specified in the array declaration.
 Type LocalVariable.type()
          Returns the type of this variable.
 void StackFrame.setValue(LocalVariable variable, Value value)
          Sets the Value of a LocalVariable in this frame.
 Type Method.returnType()
          Returns the return type, as specified in the declaration of this method.
 List Method.argumentTypes()
          Returns a list containing the type of each formal parameter of this method.
 Type Field.type()
          Returns the type of this field.
 void ObjectReference.setValue(Field field, Value value)
          Sets the value of a given instance or static field in this object.
 Value ObjectReference.invokeMethod(ThreadReference thread, Method method, List arguments, int options)
          Invokes the specified Method on this object in the target VM.
 void ArrayReference.setValue(int index, Value value)
          Replaces an array component with another value.
 void ArrayReference.setValues(List values)
          Replaces all array components with other values.
 void ArrayReference.setValues(int index, List values, int srcIndex, int length)
          Replaces a range of array components with other values.

Java Debug Interface